Isla Dawn vs Emilia McKenzie on NXT UK (continued)
The second NXT UK match continued as Isla Dawn began to overpower Emilia McKenzie. Following her dropkick, Dawn had McKenzie in the corner and hit her with a barrage of kicks. Isla then slammed her opponent down to the mat with a backdrop driver.
Isla Dawn then tried another suplex, but McKenzie countered this into a roll-up. Isla managed to kick out.
Mckenzie then appeared to gather some momentum, but her attempts at offense were thwarted when Isla Dawn hit her with yet another kick to the body.
The two women then exchanged strikes in the middle of the NXT UK ring. McKenzie broke up the sequence by getting a dropkick onto the leg of Dawn.
Emilia McKenzie then hit her rival with a spear, followed by a pin attempt. Dawn kicked out at two.
Dawn then attempted to pin Mckenzie with a fisherman's suplex, but once again, a kick out at two occurred. McKenzie made a comeback and hit Isla Dawn with a suplex, and followed it up with another dropkick.
Once again, Isla Dawn came back with a suplex bridge, which she used to put Emilia McKenzie away for the win.
Winner: Isla Dawn
Grade: B