This week's NXT UK was another enthralling show that featured Ben Carter proving once again why he is the most talked-about name in the business. Four teams battled it out in a chaotic and brilliant elimination match and NXT UK announced the signing of the legendary Meiko Satomura.
The show kicked off with Jordan Devlin making his entrance to the ring. He said he started the open challenge to cement his status as the greatest wrestler under 205 the company has ever seen. However, before he could continue Trent Seven interrupted.

Seven congratulated Devlin on his accomplishments before declaring that he will trim down to under 205 and challenge the Irish Ace for the title. Devlin smirked and said he has a long way to go before he reaches that goal and decided to leave. Before he could make his exit, Seven planted him with a strong punch and said that he will enter Devlin’s league.
A vignette played next about Kay Lee Ray and her history-making title reign before introducing the Japanese legend that is Meiko Satomura. The rumours were true, and the “Final Boss” is coming to NXT UK. The entire women’s division better be at their absolute best when they step inside the ring with her.
Ben Carter vs Sam Gradwell on NXT UK
Carter is first to the ring and waited for his opponent. Gradwell cut a promo on Carter saying that he isn’t here to be a pretty display of fireworks but a thunderstorm.
The two locked up with Gradwell taking charge but he ate a slap from Carter. Gradwell applied the pressure with an armlock, but Carter hit a dropkick followed by a fantastic series of evasive flips and a missile dropkick to take Gradwell out.
The big man bounced back with several stinging strikes and stomps that punished the high-flyer. Gradwell continued the onslaught with a colossal butterfly suplex for a two-count and turned it into a neck crushing headlock.
Carter broke free with a jawbreaker and hit back with a flurry of chops, kicks, and an Enzuigiri that sent Gradwell slipping to the floor. Carter hit a suicide dive and followed it up with a somersault plancha.
A diving crossbody was ineffective and Gradwell pancaked Carter to the mat. Gradwell smashed Carter and started grinding him into the floor. However, Carter recovered and responded with a moonsault DDT followed by a massive frog splash for the hard-fought and impressive victory.
Result: Ben Carter defeated Sam Gradwell on NXT UK
Grade: B+
Sha Samuels vs Josh Morrell on NXT UK
Next up, Sha Samuels entered the ring to take on NXT UK newcomer Josh Morrell.
Samuels used his aggression and strength to control the match from the start. Morrell fought back but Samuels' smashmouth style kept him at bay.
Samuels pinned him down and unloaded on his opponent with a barrage of stiff punches to the face. Josh tried to fight back, but a huge backdrop floored him once again. Samuels followed up his assault with a brutal penalty kick and a stiff body slam.
Morrell recovered with a sequence of thrilling offence that wobbled Samuels but the crafty cockney hit a violent spinebuster and a gator lock for the submission victory.
Result: Sha Samuels beats Josh Morrell on NXT UK
Grade: C
At the NXT UK Performance Center, Ilja Dragunov was interviewed about his match with Jack Starz and his regret in hurting him. Sam Gradwell interrupted, and Dragunov left in disgust. Gradwell is going to pay for that down the line.
Rampage Brown was being interviewed backstage when Gallus and Joe Coffey pass by. The Iron King and Brown had words and looks like a match between the bruisers is on the cards.
Two matches were announced for next week. Xia Brookside will take on Nina Samuels and Jordan Devlin’s open challenge continued on NXT UK.
The Hunt vs Pretty Deadly vs Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter vs Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster: No.1 Contenders Match for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships

A chance to challenge for the NXT UK Tag Team Championship was on the line in this match.
All four teams assembled and the match was underway. Smith and Andrews started the match with a nice sequence of mat wrestling followed by a flurry of quick tags. Pretty Deadly sharply tagged in and out looking to seize their opportunity.
Andrews tagged Howley who gingerly entered the ring and into a barrage of offence from Smith. Primate tagged himself and attacked Howey. Wild Boar entered and grabbed Stoker. The Hunt planted Pretty Deadly with tandem German Suplexes.
Former NXT UK Tag Team champions, Andrews and Webster entered to square off with their enemies, the Hunt. Before both teams could get into it, all hell broke loose as all eight competitors entered the ring for a wild brawl.
The referee restored control with Wild Boar and Primate singling out Ashton Smith with aggressive and vicious attacks. Smith managed to tag Carter to escape the punishment.
Webster burst into the ring and went straight after Pretty Deadly, resulting in Andrews and Webster hitting a tandem somersault plancha to the other teams outside.
Back in the ring, Smith interrupted a superplex attempt from Stoker with a massive tower of doom spot that took all three men out.
Howey tagged in and attacked Smith, but Smith hit him with a Falcon Arrow that seemed to have the first elimination on the cards, but Stoker made the save.
Surprisingly, the Hunt was the first team eliminated when Primate fell victim to a huge electric chair cutter from Carter and Smith.
Howley jumped in and took out Carter, but some smart and athletic evasion allowed him to tag Smith in, who exploded into the ring and took out both members of Pretty Deadly. An assisted 450 splash seemingly had Pretty Deadly ousted by Stoker. However, they were kicked out.
Andrews jumped into the ring and a beautiful double team Poisionrana, and the knee strike combination eliminated Smith and Carter.
Pretty Deadly and Andrews and Webster go at it with some breathtaking offence that NXT UK showcases on a weekly basis.
Pretty Deadly took control when Howley targeted Andrews’ surgically repaired knee. Stoker got in and started swinging Andrews around by his knee as he screamed in pain. A Figure Four leg lock forced Webster into the ring to break the hold and save the match.
A backdrop to the outside saw Howley clash into his partner, and as Andrews went for a suicide dive, Eddie Dennis appeared and hit him with a steel chair to the knee.
Pretty Deadly seized the opportunity to take out Andrews with Spilt Milk for the victory, and become the No.1 Contenders for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships.
As Pretty Deadly celebrated, the NXT UK Tag Team champs, Gallus, made the entrance to taunt the challengers as the show went off the air.
Result: Pretty Deadly defeated The Hunt, Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter and Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster on NXT UK
Grade: A