Toxic Attraction & Dakota Kai vs. Io Shirai, Raquel Gonzalez, Cora Jade & Kay Lee Ray - Women's WarGames Match (contd...)
Jade hit a botchy hurricanrana on Kai between the two rings as NXT WarGames continued. Jacy Jayne was next and she got a table in. Team Shirai was in trouble and were being tossed around the rings and onto chairs and garbage bins.
Shirai set up Kai, Dolin, and Jayne in the corner and hit knee strikes with the help of a trash bin cover before they set up Jayne on a table. Jade hit a dive from the top of the cage, sending Jacy through it.
Jade looked hurt as she clutched her shoulder and Shirai refused to let the medical team in before putting Cora's possibly dislocated shoulder back in its place.
Gonzalez was in next but Team Toxic tried to keep the door closed so as not to let her in. Gonzalez sprayed them with a fire extinguisher before packing up Kai in a trash bin and tossing the whole thing across the ring.
What's happening between Michelle McCool and Mickie James? More details HERE