#3: Alberto Del Rio
Most of you will not agree with me on this one. Calm Down fellas. ‘How on earth can ADR be ahead of Cesaro and Zayn?’, you might wanna ask me.
But remember who won the briefcase last year. It was Sheamus! The company has the habit of surprising us with their choices once in a while. Besides that, Alberto Del Rio was promised a main event push when he decided to re-sign with the company again.
A former WWE writer just went after JBL for his comments HERE
Rumors suggest that only thing holding him off is Triple H. Hunter respects Del Rio’s in-ring work but does not trust him as a person.
Anyways, being a heel helps Del Rio’s cause and he can always bring back his personal ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez and be meaningful again. As Owens asked, Why always Spanish? I am personally sick of his ‘Perro’ thing. He needs a change and Rodriguez can be just that.