#1: Dean Ambrose
It was really a close call between Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose.
So much that it took me a whole hour to analyze what the possible scenarios could be. But Dean Ambrose winning the briefcase finally made much more sense.
Even though at Ambrose Asylum, Dean already told us what will happen if he wins the briefcase, it’s sort of tradition now that it never actually happens. But when you think about The Shield, two of the three members have already been champions and the one who was supposed to turn heel and showed all shades for the same has been left behind.
But the wait should finally be over. It would the perfect scenario for Ambrose to win the briefcase.
Roman and Seth are going to be in the main event later and Ambrose need not cash it in but can tease both of them actually. Finally, it should be Rollins to get distracted and lose the match to Roman.
This will allow Seth to demand a re-match and the match at battleground should also end with some dispute. Thereby setting up a Triple threat match-up at Summerslam. Now that’s the beauty of it. Dean could be face or even heel after cashing in.
Either way Crowd is gonna love it. WWE universe is gonna love it.
And we may finally witness what should have already happened by now