Raw was packed with a lot of intrigue surrounding the events of the past week. Jerry Lawler’s Memphis crowd saw some great moments too. While Daniel Bryan-Triple H feud picked up from last week’s sweltering development, Hulk Hogan and Undertaker made an appearance on the show as well.
The journey to Wrestlemania is turning out to be every bit exciting.
Here are the five most promising developments that could shape into something really interesting sooner than later.
1. Ladies and Gentlemen, Bray Wyatt is in the Building
A WWE Hall of Famer isn't a John Cena fan. More details HERE
Hulk Hogan and John Cena in the ring at the same time is pretty special for both of their similar ideals and stardom. And then there was Bray Wyatt. He swept the arena with his promo and came out looking like the winner in that segment.
The great thing about this segment was the culmination of the past, present and future. And Bray Wyatt sure looks like the most promising future. His promos are steadily becoming one of the USP’s of every show that he’s part of.
2. Cesaro’s time
And yet again, the showcase of a split was teased. Will this finally result into a match at the ‘Showcase of the Immortals’? Swagger and Cesaro were taking huge leaps as a team but Cesaro’s star seems to be on an all-time high. It’ll be interesting to see who Zeb Colter decides to side with.
3. Paul Heyman
Paul Heyman is the one man who is majorly responsible in making a part time wrestler like Lesnar seem intimidating every time he returns. He can read the phone directory and still sell it as a masterpiece.
Many doubt how the Undertaker will fare in his Wrestlemania match at the age of 49. Lesnar and Undertaker have great screen presence but it’s Paul Heyman who can really provide the perfect build up.
4. Occupy RAW
The WWE took this one event from the American political scene and turned it into a masterpiece on Raw. And Stephanie, my GOD! She was incredible as a heel. I’m telling you, she has been the best heel in the company since the Authority angle kicked off.
And Daniel Bryan got his wish and fulfilled the one ardent wish of each and every fan of his- If he beats Triple H, he gets to be in the main event.
This. Is.It.
5. Long Live the Yes Movement
And Raw ended on an overwhelming ‘Yes’ Note. Batista is now tolerable and the ending only showed how much more important Bryan is than Batista nd Orton. Orton and Batista’s characters pale in front of the indy darling. Actually, the champion and his opponent seem to be enjoying lesser spotlight.