The show opens up with John Cena as he is set to face Darren Young. Cena talks about him winning at WrestleMania as the Prime Time Players make their entry.
John Cena vs Darren Young
The match lasted long thanks to a commercial and Cena hits the AA for the win.
Winner: John Cena
Ryback vs David Otunga
Another typical squash match as Ryback hits the Shell Shock to pick up the victory. Mark Henry comes out and the two mammoths face each other. Vickie Gurrero and Teddy Long stop them to announce Mark Henry vs Ryback at WrestleMania, forcing Ryback out of the Sheamus and Orton team.
Fandango again bails out from a match as Khali is about to get hold of him. He hasn’t wrestled in a match yet.
Damien Sandow vs R-Truth
A very short lived match where Sandow intentionally counts himself out after R-Truth gains some momentum in the match.
Winner: R-Truth wins the match by a count out
The Undertaker is out next and he talks about Punk making the fight between them personal. He says Punk will pay and suddenly we hear Punk imitating Paul Bearer on the titantron. Punk talks about he breaking the streak and then tosses the urn and drops it. The segment ends abruptly with Taker not responding.
Team Hell No vs Epico and Primo
Compared to the other matches, this match seemed to last longer. Daniel Bryan is a treat to watch as he pulled out some brilliant moves inside the ring. After some back and forth action, AJ comes out surprisingly and tries to distract Kane and Bryan. But both of them hold their concentration as Kane choke slams Epico for the victory. It was strange to see AJ come out.
Winner: Team Hell NO
Chris Jericho is backstage and talks about his triple threat match for the IC Championship. FAN-DAN-GO comes out and Jericho comes out with several different versions of his name that sound extremely hilarious.
Cody Rhodes vs Alberto Del Rio
Ricardo gives Del Rio another stunning entrance as he is set to face Cody Rhodes. It was a well fought match for both these wrestlers with momentum shifting back and forth between these two wrestlers. It was good to see Rhodes gain the upper hand in this match. Del Rio, after taking some lusty blows, finally locks in the cross arm breaker to make Rhodes tap out.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio via submission
Swagger then interrupts and attacks Del Rio. He then locks in the Patriot Act on Ricardo Rodriguez and supposedly breaks his ankle as Ricardo writhes in pain.
Next, Booker T is inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs 3 MB
This match has SQUASH written all over it. Randy and Sheamus dominate the match as Randy hits the RKO to pick up the victory.
Winner: Randy Orton and Sheamus
The Shield then make their way into the ring as Sheamus and Orton are stuck inside the ring. Big Show then comes out to save Orton and Sheamus as he becomes the third member to replace Ryback against The Shield at WrestleMania.
Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler
Though the match was short lived, both these wrestlers shared a few good moments. Kofi is knocked down by Big E outside the ring and Ziggler then hits the Zig Zag for the pinfall.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Team Hell NO then come out and challenge Ziggler and Big E for a match at WrestleMania for the tag-team title and AJ Lee accepts the challenge.
Miz vs. Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett (IC Title Match)
Without doubt the best match of the night. Jericho looked the strongest contender and many expected him to turn out victorious. After a lot of action inside the ring, Miz hit the skull crushing finale on Jericho and Barrett rolled Miz for the three count.
Winner: Wade Barrett
Brock Lesnar vs Triple H contract signing
Triple H is out, followed by Paul Heyman. Heyman says Lesnar will show himself only if HHH signs the contract. Heyman then taunts the Game to attack him as he speaks about Stephanie. Hunter loses cool and breaks loose. He beats up Heyman and signs the contract.
Lesnar shows himself with a chair and Heyman stops him. He then announces the stipulation for the match. Triple H and Lesnar will face each other in a No Holds Barred match and the loser gets to leave WWE for good.
You can watch the complete episode here