“If Rihanna and Chris Brown can get together so can Paul Heyman and CM Punk” – JBL
“I’ve never seen Paul Heyman so speechless” – Michael Cole. True. But even in his silence he spoke volumes to develop and showcase the emotional pulse of the storyline is going to take.
“I didn’t make it here because I was cute, or came from a famous wrestling family or because I sucked up to the right people” – AJ Lee to the cast of Total Divas. Yes, she emphasized on ‘sucked’ as the camera rolled onto, ahem, the Bellas. This was one of the many awesome things AJ had to say. She really got the crowd interested and going.
“No matter how many red carpets you walk with your stupid $4000 heels, you’ll never be able to lace up my Chuck Taylor shoes” -AJ Lee strikes again.
“You’ll never be able to touch me, and that’s reality” -AJ Lee. Bravo. Take a bow.
“If you can’t feed them, don’t breed them” – Zeb Colter on immigration and welfare programmes.
“You have the rhythm of a drunk elephant”- JBL on Michael Cole when he was trying to imitate the trademark dance of the Primetime Players.
“I love you, Sister Abigail” – Bray Wyatt.
“Guess you don’t want to get fired either”- Renee Young to the void response of the Miz, Ziggler and Big Show, as Triple H could have fired anyone who spoke against him and his team.
“I guess the rules that apply to all the superstars don’t apply to the face of the company” – Michael Cole.
They don’t, in most companies” – JBL (when Randy Orton assaulted Daniel Bryan).