Randy Orton def. U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro in a Special Guest Referee Match
Ryback def. The Prime Time Players in a Make Me Laugh Challenge
Bo Dallas def. Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett in a Player’s Choice Match
Is this man the funniest man in wrestling?
John Cena def. Cody Rhodes and named his World Title challenge at WrestleMania 29. The Shield attacked
Brodus Clay and Tensai competed in a dance-off
World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and Big Show’s Body Slam Challenge descended into chaos
Divas Champion Kaitlyn vs. Tamina Snuka went to a No Contest
Sheamus def. Damien Sandow in a Tables Match
3MB crashed Zack Ryder and The Great Khali’s Karaoke Challenge
WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No def. Dolph Ziggler & Chris Jericho in a “Strange Bedfellows Match”