#4 Bringing back the AoP to the roster with a lot of momentum
We all remember what a travesty it was when The AoP was paired with Drake Maverick not long ago. You had these two monsters from NXT who were absolutely unstoppable, practically watered down (quite literally) with a manager who urinated whenever confronted by a threat.
This was not the spot for these two men and the world knew it. I'm glad that they're in a program with Kevin Owens and perhaps even Seth Rollins!
You are known by the company you keep. The Revival did not create an instant impact in the main roster upon their arrival but their association first with Shane McMahon and later with Randy Orton certainly moved them up a few paces!
Maybe the same could also happen with The AoP, who do not have the wily genius of Paul Ellering by their side urging them on to do evil deeds.