The Big Show is back! It was announced that Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe needed a mystery partner to take on Seth Rollins and AoP. Joe told Owens that he knew the perfect guy for their team and Charly Caruso followed the two men up to a room.
It was here that Joe opened the door to a dark room, revealing to Owens who the mystery partner was - all while keeping everyone else in the dark. Right before the main event began, it was revealed to be the WWE legend himself - The Big Show.
He got a hugely positive reception and throughout the match, the crowd chanted "We want Big Show" until the hot tag. The match, of course, ended in a disqualification as Seth Rollins and AoP decided to use a steel chair on the World's largest athlete. The legend still stood tall at the end thanks to some assistance from Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens and many are now wondering why he returned after so long.
Here are five possible reasons why.
#5. Most reliable legend

The Big Show has been a part of WWE for a long time now. Ever since joining at the end of the 1990s, he's been loyal to WWE - only leaving the company briefly years later. He's taken a backseat over the last few years.
After all, he's done so much for the company, given so much back and has put over a countless amount of superstars and has turned heel and face over 20 times. Not only that but after he took a backseat from being a full-time performer. he's gotten into the best shape of his life. He's just one call away and the obvious go-to guy for such a spot.
#4. To test the waters for a small run

As mentioned earlier, The Big Show is reliable and is simply one call away. We've seen him return after 2017-18 to SmackDown, where he briefly aligned with The Bar in what felt quite pointless beyond another heel turn.
He can be utilized for any given storyline to put over younger talent and his return was likely to test the waters for that. Interestingly enough, the "Fistfight" stipulation next week will be a specialty for The Big Show, who ended the night with his signature knockout punch.
He could be involved in this storyline in a small role for a while and then move on to another one where he eventually puts someone over. It doesn't have to be for WrestleMania either. It can be to build momentum for another superstar heading into the show of shows.
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#3. Kane wasn't available

Kane would have been the best choice for the spot and it's obvious why. He has a history with Seth Rollins and would have been perfect given his size as well. However, since he's busy with his Mayoral duties, we won't be seeing him anywhere as often as we once did. The last time he was in a serious storyline was when Team Hell No reunited last year to take on The Bludgeon Brothers.
He was also involved earlier this year with the 24/7 Championship, winning it from R-Truth before losing it back. It's always great to see Kane on television and unfortunately, we couldn't see him in this spot.
The Big Show, however, presented a perfect replacement and it's hard to get mad when you listen to how the crowd reacted to the legend. It's good to see him getting the respect that he deserves.
#2. Legitimate opponent to neutralize AoP

AoP is a physically imposing tag team and Seth Rollins couldn't have a better choice of bodyguards. Their physical stature and numbers mean that they can dominate anybody in sight and Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe know that firsthand.
While it still would have been nice to see a full-time opponent in that spot, not many logically made sense to fill that role. A smaller superstar wouldn't have been as good a look and when Kevin Owens affirmed his confidence in their partner after seeing him in the dark room, it was clear that it was going to be someone with big physical stature.
And the crowd loved every bit of it. From once getting "please retire" chants 5-6 years ago, he ended up getting a big chant for a hot tag. While it may not have made much storyline sense for the alignment, it still worked out successfully.
#1. To get him in the Royal Rumble for a spot with other big men

The Royal Rumble is approaching and it's already looking like the most stacked match in years. While last year's line-up for the men was good, 2018 was undoubtedly better. 2017 had the best line-up in years but ended up disappointing when it came to the outcome.
This year, we already have the likes of Roman Reigns, AJ Styles, Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre, Ricochet, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Rowan. While we understand that spots are limited (expected to be 10 spots for each brand including NXT), having The Big Show in the Royal Rumble is always great because it gives a big rub to the person that eliminates him.
There's always the running joke as to how anyone could "eliminate a giant" and if involved, he could have some big spots with big men such as Brock Lesnar, Keith Lee, Braun Strowman, Dominik Dijakovic, and more.