#1. To get him in the Royal Rumble for a spot with other big men

The Royal Rumble is approaching and it's already looking like the most stacked match in years. While last year's line-up for the men was good, 2018 was undoubtedly better. 2017 had the best line-up in years but ended up disappointing when it came to the outcome.
This year, we already have the likes of Roman Reigns, AJ Styles, Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre, Ricochet, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Rowan. While we understand that spots are limited (expected to be 10 spots for each brand including NXT), having The Big Show in the Royal Rumble is always great because it gives a big rub to the person that eliminates him.
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There's always the running joke as to how anyone could "eliminate a giant" and if involved, he could have some big spots with big men such as Brock Lesnar, Keith Lee, Braun Strowman, Dominik Dijakovic, and more.