#1 Best: Bobby Lashley decimates two WWE RAW competitors at once
Now that you've read our thoughts about WWE RAW, be sure to catch what former WCW Champion Vince Russo thinks about the same on our YouTube channel. Legion of RAW airs right after WWE RAW does, and it's absolutely hilarious!
Did anyone catch Bobby Lashley using the Jackhammer during his handicap match?
Lashley is a WWE RAW Superstar who's being booked right, who's decimating all his opponents.
Well, he did lose to Xavier Woods, but since then he's been on a tear, gaining momentum and steam with every passing week.
#1 Worst: Worst promo of 2021?
Did anyone catch Nikki A.S.H. saying that she almost could have won her WWE RAW match after coming up short against Charlotte Flair? Would a Superhero, say, Batman, admit to The Joker, that he deserves to be lauded because he almost defeated his enemies?
Nikki's delivery was underwhelming and the content that was written for her, even more so. Can we get the WWE RAW writing staff to binge-watch a few Avengers movies before next week's show maybe?