Big Cass vs. Rusev:
Grade: 5/10
This was way too short to be anything significant, with Cass getting himself disqualified after refusing to stop beating down Rusev. The face/heel dynamic is completely backwards here, with Cass refusing to stop assaulting the supposed ‘villain’ in Rusev. Considering Cass’ friend is the one who bad mouthed Rusev’s wife, this story has lacked logic.
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If this match was given more time, it could’ve made more sense, but it was rushed. Hopefully, WWE clears up this story soon, as it continues to be confusing. Overall, a short, forgettable match that saw Cass come across as a villain by continuing to assault Rusev.
While Rusev did end up assaulting Enzo Amore viciously later, he still continues to come across as a sympathetic figure in this story, which needs to be changed in future weeks.