Braun Strowman wreaks havoc:
Grade: 8.5/10
Back to back excellent segments on Raw? Well, this is a first!
Immediately after the stellar segment involving Neville, it appeared we would be getting a tedious Sin Cara vs. Titus O’Neill match. Instead, Braun Strowman made his way to the ring, and decimated the two men, eventually throwing Cara off the stage and onto a huge pile of Christmas boxes.
Demanding Mick Foley gives him Sami Zayn, Strowman was booked to perfection here as the out-of-control, relentless monster. His feud with Zayn looks set to continue flourishing, as Strowman was booked extremely well here.
Instead of resting on his laurels after a loss to Zayn at Roadblock, Strowman made a huge statement, and it led to one of the best segments of the night. Overall, a wonderful segment that saw Strowman decimate men on his path to revenge against Sami Zayn.