2. Why did Kane interfere in Bryan’s match with Orton?
Earlier on the show Triple H and Stephanie talked about making Bryan the face of the company and it looked like that they were eager to, but then why did Kane interfere in the match and then alongwith Orton assaulted Bryan after it? We all know that Kane is the Director of Operations and hence, a part of The Authority, so does that mean they sent him to attack his former tag team partner Bryan? Then what was that initial segment in ‘praise’ of Bryan all about?
Is Kane going to play a big role in this resumed Authority/Orton-Bryan angle? It looks likely since Kane’s fresh feud with CM Punk couldn’t come to a conclusion as the latter left the company and as the rumor has it, Bryan is going to face Triple H at WrestleMania XXX. So is this the beginning of the Bryan-Triple H feud?