Back from commercial, and the next candidate for the spot of the special guest referee was unveiled to be Bob Backlund! He rambled on incoherently; I for one wish Backlund was the special guest referee. Then there would be two reasons for the people to ask for refunds.
Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton
Orton went on the offensive early in the match up and threw Kofi into the barricade. Orton threw Kofi around like a rag doll as the referee started to count. Orton brought Kofi in, but Kofi countered with his own offense. Kofi threw Orton out, but Orton regained the control over the bout. Kofi missed a cross body from the top rope as WWE went into commercial.
Back from commercial and Orton was in control of the match. Orton dropped Kofi with the back breaker for a 2 count. Orton locked in the chinlock on Kofi, but Kofi fought out of the predicament with a double axe handle from the second rope. Orton hit the dropkick on Kofi for a 2 count. Kofi countered with a Tornado DDT from the second rope and hit a couple of dropkicks. Kofi came down with a huge cross body from the top rope for a 2 count. Kofi hit the SOS on Orton for a 2 count! Kofi hung Orton on the top rope and went for a springboard from the top rope, but Orton reversed it into a powerslam for a 2 count. Orton went for the double hook DDT, but Kofi threw him over the top rope. Orton clotheslined Kofi on the outside, and drilled him gut first on the barricade, and delivered the double hook DDT on the outside! Orton brought Kofi inside the ring and delivered the RKO to pick up the victory after the 13 minute mark.
Winner: Randy Orton
Rating: ***
Analysis: That was a solid TV match that got just under 15 minutes. Both Orton and Kofi worked hard to put on a solid bout, and Orton’s devious side was once again brought out as he hit the double hook DDT on the outside.
Post match, Daniel Bryan attacked Randy Orton and took him out with a suicide dive! He threw Orton over the announcer’s table and mounted with some stiff punches, but the referees and officials tried to hold Bryan down. Orton hightailed to the back as Bryan followed him with the officials chasing him. That was a good way to show Bryan’s frustrations after being robbed out of the title once again last night.
Backstage, ADR confronted Vickie Guerrero and asked for a night off. ADR tried to flatter Vickie and flirted with her before walking off, and Vickie didn’t look impressed.
The third and final candidate for the special guest referee spot at the HIAC PPV was revealed to be none other than the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels who got a loud pop from the Pittsburgh crowd. Shawn said he was Triple H’s best friend, but that was personal. He said this was business, and wouldn’t let the fact that he trained Daniel Bryan sway him, and wouldn’t let anything cloud his judgment. He asked the fans to vote for him. I guess we know who the special guest referee will be at HIAC. There was also a small “H – B – shizzle” chant which was funny.
Alberto Del Rio came out next for his match.
Before the match began, Vickie announced that ADR will face John Cena at the HIAC PPV!
Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriquez
Ricardo took advantage of the distraction and rolled ADR up to pick up the victory!
Winner: Ricardo Rodriquez
Rating: Dud
Post match, ADR viciously attacked Ricardo and put him in the cross arm breaker with his hand wrapped around a steel chair.
Analysis: ADR will face Cena at HIAC with the World title on the line? Well, that’s some news! I have no words, and it will be interesting to say the least.
Zack Ryder vs. Fandango (With Summer Rae)
Zack went on the offense but Fandango dropped him with a spinning heel kick for a 2 count. Fandango dropped him with a suplex for a 2 count, and locked in the chinlock. Ryder came back with a missile dropkick, and Fandango avoided the Broski boot. Fandango connected with a huge heel kick and came down with the leg drop from the top rope to pick up the victory after the 2 minute mark.
Winner: Fandango
Rating: ½ *
Analysis: That was a random bout thrown in. It’ll take a miracle for Ryder to win a match on RAW.
Lawler announced the winner for the poll, and to no one’s surprise with 61% of the votes, the winner was Shawn Michaels. HBK will be the special guest referee at HIAC for the WWE title match between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton.
The Real Americans (With Zeb) vs. Santino and Khali (With Hornswoggle)
Swagger and Santino started things off as Santino showed off his athleticism. A bit of comedy as Santino did the power walk during the match and dropped Swagger with an atomic drop. Swagger came back and tagged in Cesaro. Cesaro tagged Swagger back in as the crowd started a “We the people” chant. Swagger came down with the Swagger bomb and Cesaro came down with the double foot stomp for a 2 count. Khali got the tag and he took Cesaro down. Khali delivered some hard chops to Cesaro and dropped Swagger off the apron. Cesaro chopped Khali down and went for the giant swing once again! Cesaro twirled Khali around and pinned him to pick up the victory after 2 minutes.
Winner (s): The Real Americans
Rating: * ½
Post match, Swagger threw Hornswoggle in and Cesaro twirled him around in the midget swing (?!) Santino came back with the Cobra and Khali knocked Swagger down with a chop to end the segment.
Analysis: Push Cesaro. End of it.
Miz came out for the Miz TV segment. Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by the Wyatt Family! Miz managed to escape before he could be attacked, as Wyatt laughed sadistically. Backstage, Triple H returned to the arena and said he would personally make sure nothing else went wrong.
The Shield vs. Daniel Bryan and the Rhodes brothers in a 6 man tag team match
Triple H came out before the bout got under way. Goldust started things off with Seth Rollins. Rollins shoved Goldust, and the bizarre one retaliated in the way only he can. Goldust landed some punches but Rollins came back with a backhand chop. Goldust gained the upper hand once again with an upper cut and an inverted atomic drop. He followed it up with a big boot for a 1 count. He tagged in Cody who came down with a springboard dropkick for a 2 count! Rollins came back with a right hand and tagged in Ambrose. Cody dropped Ambrose with a dropkick for a 1 count. Cody tagged his brother in as the Rhodes isolated Dean from his corner. Goldust came back with a snapmare takedown followed by a knee to the head for a 2 count. Cody tagged himself in and continued working on Ambrose, but Ambrose managed to land in a couple of cheap shots to turn the tide in his favour. Cody went for a moonsault, but a distraction from Reigns enabled Ambrose to recover in time and push Cody off the top turnbuckle and into the barricade!
Back from commercial and Rollins continued working on Cody Rhodes. Rollins isolated Cody and tagged Ambrose in. Ambrose locked in a variation of chinlock, but Cody turned the tide by delivered a huge moonsault from the top rope! Cody dropped Ambrose with a back body drop and tagged in Bryan as Rollins came in. Bryan dropkicked Reigns off the apron and turned Rollins inside out with a German suplex! Bryan dropkicked Rollins in the corner and brought him down with a Hurricanrana for a 2 count as Reigns cut him off! Goldust threw Ambrose over the top rope, but was taken down by Reigns. Cody delivered the Disaster kick to Reigns went over the top rope with him. Bryan delivered the shining wizard to Rollins and locked in the LaBelle lock! Just as Rollins was about to tap, Ambrose came in with a chair and hit Cody causing a disqualification after 8 minutes.
Winner (s): Daniel Bryan and the Rhodes brothers
Rating: ** ¾
Triple H restarted the match as a No DQ bout!
Daniel Bryan and the Rhodes brothers vs. The Shield in a No DQ match
Ambrose took Cody out and then double teamed Goldust along with Reigns as Bryan and Rollins battled it out in the ring. Bryan took Reigns and Ambrose out with a suicide dive! Orton came out of nowhere and delivered an RKO to Bryan on the outside and rolled him inside the ring! Rollins slowly crawled into the cover and pinned Daniel Bryan to pick up the victory in under 2 minutes!
Winner (s): The Shield
Rating: *
Analysis: That was interesting to see. Show will be inserted into a program with Triple H and Randy Orton while Daniel Bryan will finally become the WWE champion come HIAC PPV. Although I’m not an advocate of Triple H inserting himself into every major angle that comes around, I hope that for once he puts over the deserving guys.
Post match, The Shield assaulted the Rhodes brothers as Triple H watched from ringside, but The Big Show came out to the surprise of the corporation! Triple H hid behind The Shield as the trio attacked the giant. Show swatted them away and KO’d Triple H! RAW faded with Bryan leading the crowd in a “Yes” chant, standing tall over the fallen COO.
Over – all rating of the show: *** (Out of 5 stars)
It was underwhelming; the show had so much promise but turned out to be just another average episode. With Shawn Michaels being inserted into the main event picture, it’ll be interesting to see how this angle develops. That does it for this week’s live review. Join us next week as we continue our journey towards the Hell in a Cell PPV.