Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to yet another live review of Monday Night RAW. We kick things off this week from the Wells Fargo Center in Des Moines, Iowa.
Triple H came down to loud boos from the WWE Universe to start things off. The Shield were once again at the ringside, as Triple H introduced the new face of the WWE, Randy Orton. The WWE champion made his way out to jeers from the live crowd. Orton said he wouldn’t let anyone disrespect the company, as loud “No” chants erupted. Orton said last week, Daniel Bryan defaced his personal property, and so Orton had no choice but to deface Daniel Bryan. They showed a replay of The Shield and Orton attacking Daniel Bryan last week on Smackdown!
Orton said he wanted to play a game with the WWE Universe. Orton asked the WWE Universe if Bryan should face Orton at NoC PPV for the WWE title. He then asked if Bryan had any chance of defeating him at the PPV. Orton said no to everything. He then asked if Bryan would mount to anything, or will he just be a B+ player. He asked if Bryan should give up the opportunity of facing Orton for the title. Orton shouted yes! Triple H then took over and said his biggest responsibility was to see that WWE gave the best to the fans every week. Triple H said he was worried about the health and well being of Daniel Bryan. He blamed the WWE Universe for whatever happened to Daniel Bryan. He said popularity has nothing to do with what is best for the business. He compared Daniel Bryan with Doink the clown (Rest in peace, Matt). He said Doink was never the WWE champion because it was bad for business. Triple H said Bryan will never be the WWE champion. He said Bryan could compete for the Cruiserweight or European titles, and that brought out Daniel Bryan!
Bryan said he was thrilled to be compared with Doink, as the crowd erupted with a “Daniel Bryan” chant. Daniel Bryan said Triple H gave up being a man when he cut his hair and donned a suit, and became a corporate sell out. Bryan said Orton gave up being in the WWE title picture until Triple H handed it over to him. He asked the fans if he should give up the opportunity of facing Orton at the PPV. He said the answer to that was the same as whether Orton was more masculine than Stephanie, and Bryan said no! Daniel Bryan said he was told he would never mount to anything in the WWE, and he proved them wrong. He said he loved being an underdog, and that Orton would never understand it because he was given everything. Bryan ended the segment by saying that Orton may have the genetics to be a champion, but he doesn’t have the heart to be a champion. He was about to say Orton was Triple H’s little “something”, but Triple H cut him off and called him a troll. He said Daniel Bryan should blame the Big Show. Triple H then made Daniel Bryan vs Big Show for the main event!
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Analysis: The opening segment took about 17 minutes, and it was good that all the three men got in their promos. Bryan is red hot, and the “Why doesn’t Big Show do anything even though he has an iron clad contract?” questions that have been circulating on the internet was raised by Triple H. It’s good to see WWE implementing logic sometimes, and it was a solid opening segment to kick things off this week.
Triple H and Orton ran into Cody Rhodes, who asked Orton why he didn’t want to face Daniel Bryan. He said Bryan vs Orton was best for business. Triple H took over and said Cody’s wedding was clouding his judgment. He made Cody vs Orton for later tonight, and said if Cody lost, he would be fired! Will Cody follow Ted DiBiase and leave WWE? It put over the “Triple H is a bully” fact, and I hope Cody wins tonight.
The Miz vs Fandango (With Summer Rae)
Cole and JBL talked about twerking, while Miz took control of the match. Miz locked in the front facelock on Fandango, but Fandango came back with punches in the corner. Miz made yet another comeback with a clothesline and a kick for a 2 count, and locked in the facelock as we went into commercial.
Back from the break and Fandango was in control. Apparently Miz broke Fandango’s nose, but the match continued. Fandango came down with a leg drop, but Miz locked in the figure four and Fandango tapped out after 8 minutes.
Winner: The Miz
Rating: * 1/2
Analysis: That was a short match, but Fandango apparently broke his nose during the bout. Major props to Fandango and the WWE for continuing the bout. Miz once again locked the figure four out of nowhere, which loses the importance of the submission move. Fandango is left in the middle of nowhere yet again, and I hope he finds a place on the NoC PPV card.
Up next is the replay of CM Punk – Paul Heyman/Curtis Axel segment from last week.
Backstage, Booker wanted to talk to Daniel Bryan. Booker said Bryan was too good to go back to local gyms and wrestle for 50 bucks. Booker said Daniel Bryan needs to rethink about going against the McMahons, and advised him to give up the title match. “Tell me you didn’t just say that!” was Bryan’s response, which was funny. Booker ended the segment by saying Bryan needs to think about it, and said he was on his side. That was a nice little segment between Booker T and Bryan, as it puts over the seriousness of the situation.
WWE replayed the CM Punk – Paul Heyman/Curtis Axel segment from last week. They showed Punk beating Axel, but Heyman and Axel getting the upper hand in the end and absolutely destroying CM Punk. “A bitter divorce” was what Cole called it. Maybe it’s time someone replaced Michael Cole on commentary.
Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback
Ambrose ambushed Ziggler even before the match started. Ambrose drove Ziggler shoulder first into the ring post, and Ryback made his way out. The fans started the “Goldberg” chant, as Ryback threw Ziggler with a huge belly to belly throw and mounted with punches on Ziggler. Ryback continued assaulting Ziggler as the crowd started a “You can’t wrestle” chant (Hey Cena, we miss you!). Ryback went for the meathook but Ziggler dropped him with a dropkick. Ryback came back with a meathook clothesline. Ryback then dropped Ziggler with the shell shocked to pick up the victory.
Winner: Ryback
Rating: * 1/4
Analysis: That was yet another angle driven match to put over the corporation. Ziggler has gone from being the World Heavyweight champion to being dominated by a guy who hardly features on the show anymore. I hope Ziggler makes his way back up the ladder soon.
Backstage, Maddox informed Triple H and Stephanie that Show refused to face Bryan. Stephanie said she would take care of it in public.
At the top of the second hour, Stephanie made her way out to the ring. She said she had someone who helped her when she grew up. She called Big Show “my giant”, and called him out. Show and Steph hugged in the ring, and Stephanie said there was a price Show has to pay. She said Show was broke, and his iron clad contract required him to perform. She asked what Show could do if he got fired. Stephanie said giants don’t live as long as the others. Stephanie blackmailed Big Show into accepting the match against Bryan. Stephanie left the ring leaving Show alone, as the crowd chanted for Y2J and “Don’t be OJ” (That’s what I could make out), which was funny.
Analysis: We’ve seen this before, and this shows the corporate can and will do anything and everything to make life hard for people who go against them. It looks like Show will indeed face Daniel Bryan in the main event. That was a good segment between Stephanie and Show, and Show showed good emotions right through the entire segment.
Next week, Edge will be back on Monday Night RAW for one night only!
Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal (With Drew McIntyre) vs Prime Time Players
Slater mocked Titus, and this fired up the big man. Titus stomped a mud hole into Slater and tagged in Young. Slater came back and tagged in Mahal, but Young dropped Mahal with an inverted atomic drop for a one count. Slater came back in and dropped Young with a neckbreaker. Mahal and Slater took turns in beating down Young, which led to the hot tag to Titus. Titus ran over Mahal and threw him with a fall away slam. Slater saved the match for his team, but he was sent flying by Young. Mahal tried to jump Young, but Titus dropped him with a sit down slam for the pinfall victory after 6 minutes.
Winner (s): Prime Time Players
Rating: * 1/2
Analysis: PTP are apparently on a hot streak, and can be in contention for the tag team championships. Am I a fan of the team? Not a big fan, but I can understand why WWE is willing to push them. Young isn’t impressive by any means, but I can see Titus having a singles run down the line.
Backstage, Heyman confronted Maddox who was on the phone. Heyman asked Maddox to call the other person back. Heyman told Maddox that if Punk got his hands on Heyman, Heyman won’t be seen on RAW again. Heyman said Maddox doesn’t know what’s best for business, which brought in Triple H. Triple H said that he was impressed with how Heyman weaseled out in the past, and told Heyman he could try to weasel his way out this time again. Hunter said Heyman might get the beating of his life, or he could surprise him by finding a way out. He said it was best for him, and thus for the business.
Analysis: That was a nice plug – in for the Punk – Heyman storyline, which will be furthered at the top of the third hour. I predict yet another “Paul Heyman guy” showing up during the PPV, and I hope it’s either Sami or Ohno from NXT.
WWE aired a vignette of the Wyatt Family, with Bray Wyatt talking about taking out Kane. He said Kane made his bet, and is burning in it. He ended the promo by asking where Kane was. That was a creepy, eerie vignette, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for the Wyatt Family.
Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton
The two former members of Legacy faced off with Cody’s career on the line. Cody and Orton traded blows to start the bout with Orton getting the upper hand. Cody came back with a beautiful dropkick for a near fall. Cole asked JBL if he was ever placed in a match with such high stakes, and JBL said no. I guess we should forget JBL’s retirement match. Anyway, Orton gained the upper hand, clubbing Cody’s chest and dropped him with a back breaker from the top rope leading to a commercial.
Back from the break and Orton took control of the match, and the WWE performers were shown watching backstage. Loud “Randy Savage” chant broke out, as Cody made a come back. Beautiful spring board missile drop kick got Cody a two count. Orton came back with the DDT from the second rope, but Cody countered an RKO into Cross Rhodes for a near fall! Cody missed a Disaster kick, and Orton delivered an RKO to pick up the victory after 13 minutes.
Winner: Randy Orton
Rating: ** 3/4
Post match, Triple H appeared on the stage and fired Cody Rhodes. Loud “Thank you Cody” and “Cody Rhodes” chants broke out as Cody made his way back.
Analysis: I don’t know where this is going, but Cody was in the middle of a hot angle with Sandow. Will Cody get back at the corporation in the future? Where does this leave Sandow? Is this a way to write Cody off due to his wedding? We’ll get our answers later in the week, but I hope Cody will be back soon in the WWE.
Top of the third hour, and this can only mean one thing – CM Punk! Punk made his way out with a kendo stick in his hand. Loud “CM Punk” chant by the Iowa crowd. Punk said he kept his promises, but that the time for talk is over. Punk asked the fans if they saw what happened to him last week. Punk said he wanted to fight Paul Heyman, and Punk said he will get his hands on Heyman and Axel in 13 days. He said even he wouldn’t fight him right now. Punk wanted to say something to all the fans around the world, but was cut off by the loud “CM Punk” chants. Punk guaranteed that in 13 days, he will get past Axel, and guaranteed that he will get his hands on Heyman afterwards. He said the fans will see a side of Punk they had never seen before. He said the fans might not like that side of Punk, and said Heyman certainly won’t. He said last week, Heyman told Punk he broke his heart, but at NoC, Punk said he’ll break Heyman’s face.
Analysis: An intense promo by Punk to put over the rivalry between himself and Heyman. Need I say anything about Punk’s mic skills? The promo was top notch as always, and put over their match at Night of Champions PPV. As I previously said, I expect Heyman to bring another guy into the mix, and I hope it’s either Ohno or Sami.
Backstage, Show confronted Bryan and said he had no other option. Bryan said he will take care of Show tonight, like he defeated him to win his first World title.
Natalya vs Brie Bella vs Naomi
AJ was on commentary, while the three way saw Natalya dominating the other two. AJ interfered during the bout causing a DQ, and attacked all the three. Natalya, Brie and Naomi took AJ out and made their way to the back with AJ lying in the ring.
Winner: N/A
Rating: Dud
Analysis: We might get to see a four way at the NoC PPV, and this might turn AJ face going forward. Nothing more to add, except that I want Natalya to win the Divas title.
RVD (With Ricardo) vs Damien Sandow
I guess Ricardo became RVD’s announcer just to roll out the Rs, and I won’t complain. Anyway, RVD took on the intellectual saviour and Mr. Money in the Bank, Damien Sandow. RVD and Sandow exchanged blows to start things off, and Sandow got a near fall. RVD tried to build some momentum but Sandow cut him off. RVD took control of the match, but was distracted by Alberto Del Rio as WWE went into commercial.
Back from commercial, and Sandow was in control. RVD hit a spinning heel kick to build up some momentum, but Sandow dropped Van Dam with a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a near fall. Sandow delivered a beautiful swinging neckbreaker for another 2 count. RVD hit a superkick and delivered the rolling thunder. RVD hung Sandow up on the top rope and delivered the five star frogsplash for the victory after 10 minutes!
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Rating: **
Analysis: RVD had to be featured on the show as he’s the number one contender, and he picks up yet another victory to continue building momentum on his way to Night of Champions. Will RVD win the World title? I don’t think so, but Ricardo’s presence might swing things in RVD’s favour come 15th September.
As I predicted, Stephanie made a fatal four way at the NoC PPV between Naomi, Natalya, Brie and AJ for the WWE Divas championship.
Backstage, Josh interviewed Cody Rhodes while he was being escorted out of the building. Cody said McMahons hated the Rhodes, with Vince putting his legendary father in Polka Dots and dance, while his brother was painted with gold. Cody said Orton was the better man on the night, and left when Josh asked him if he had any words for his fiancee.
Analysis: This is why I am a fan of Cody. He can be intense on the mic if given the chance, and he has all the talent in the world to be a future WWE/World champion. I can only hope that he’ll be back soon and continues his ascendance in the WWE.
Daniel Bryan vs The Big Show
The WWE superstars were once again made to watch near the entrance area. Bryan made his way out first to loud “Yes” chants, and Show made his way out next. Show tried to explain that he didn’t want to hurt Bryan and asked Bryan to leave, but Bryan kept attacking Big Show. Show came back with a big boot and huge chops to Bryan’s chest. Show tried to calm Bryan down, but Bryan kept attacking Show. Bryan delivered brutal kicks to Show’s torso and dropped him with a DDT for a near fall. Bryan went for a cross body, but Show dropped him with a spear. Show tried to leave, but that brought out Triple H and The Shield.
Show told Triple H that he wouldn’t fight Bryan, which led to The Shield attacking Bryan to cause the DQ. Show was made to stand and watch as The Shield delivered the triple powerbomb to Bryan. Triple H then wanted Show to punch Bryan, but Show refused and walked away. Stephanie then came out and led Show back into the ring. Show was then forced to knock Bryan out with the punch, and was escorted to the top of the ramp by Stephanie and Triple H. Orton made his way down to the ring and ended the night by standing over a lifeless Bryan, as Show looked on from the ramp.
Winner by DQ: Daniel Bryan
Rating: * 1/2
Analysis: That was an interesting segment. Show was excellent in his role, and Bryan was once again outstanding as the fiery underdog who refuses to give up. This might lead to Show turning on Triple H and Stephanie down the line, or aligning with them in a swerve. There are a lot of possibilities which makes this an interesting angle.
Over – all rating of the show: *** 1/4 (Out of 5 stars)
I enjoyed this week’s episode, but it was angle driven and there were very few matches. The Orton – Cody bout was undoubtedly the match of the night, and more matches were announced for the NoC PPV. With Cody taking a hiatus from the WWE, it’ll be interesting to see what transpires. Will Ziggler, Show and Cody team up with Bryan going into Survivor Series to take on the Corporation? That would be my guess, but we’ll have to wait and see how things unfold. That does it for this week’s review. Do join us next week for yet another edition of Monday Night RAW.