#3. How will AJ Styles respond to The Undertaker?

AJ Styles and The Undertaker were supposed to have a face-to-face contract signing last week and the WWE legend wasted no time in coming out, showing a different appearance after over 16 years.
Instead, AJ Styles appeared from behind the screen and sent his fellow OC members Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson to go and hand the contract to The Undertaker. They were slow and steady and simply slid it from the bottom rope to avoid any possible contact. However, the lights went out and the next thing they knew, The Undertaker was behind them - attacking them both.
He made it official and signed the contract, while there are many questions over what his new attitude could indicate. Whether he's there or not, AJ Styles will have something to say and we can expect him to respond to The Undertaker this week, with no guarantees that the lights won't go off.
Also read: 5 reasons why The Undertaker possibly changed his gimmick after 16 years