So, the superstars can’t raise their voices on the air, but they can tweet? Well, WWE usually defies logic.
A night where Antonio Cesaro took a returning Santino and the entire arena for a spellbinding spin, with Paul Heyman hilariously running away, Natalya basking in hometown glory, a television set in the backstage area amongst all the production junk for the obvious reason for Big Show to shove it into pieces, Randy Orton in another great free TV match with the eccentric Goldust and the-same-gear RVD and Ryback facing off, this Raw had its own share of entertaining moments.
And Daniel Bryan was finally the last man standing.
This angle of dictatorial tyranny is supposed to be running till WrestleMania, and for this precise reason only, I don’t think Daniel Bryan will win this Sunday.
And if he wins, he might have another short reign and that isn’t satisfactory for his fans. I think the authority will continue their solid heel turn past Night of Champions, and that seems to be a good decision for both Daniel Bryan’s pursuit and for Randy Orton and the authority’s heel turns.
While the steps that WWE has incorporated to move this storyline has been at the expense of seeing Daniel Bryan as the last man not standing (except a few hours ago), the storyline is a triumph for Daniel Bryan and his fans.
For the entire month since SummerSlam, he has been part of all the main events on RAW and Randy Orton, the champion, has been having awesome matches at the beginning of the second hour.
Trusting Bryan to get the numbers in the final segment of RAW is definitely a great move by the WWE. And the constant mockery of the ‘Yes’ chants is only adding fuel to this feud.
Right now, the frenzy around Daniel Bryan is like a gathering storm. The sea of ‘Yes’ chants and the smashing that he gives to his opponents may carry him towards a longer reign as the WWE champion.
This is the best Randy Orton has been since his feud with Christian two years ago. Yes, it’s been two years! John Cena‘s absence has surely helped him in gargantuan terms. Who all missed Cena tonight? And in a way, I’m glad that Punk is not automatically put in the main event picture right after Cena’s departure.
As the end of the show lingered on, I was afraid that Show will become an important character in this feud. I am not ruling that out, but I’m glad that he did not weep today and kept Randy Orton at bay long enough to Daniel Bryan to regain consciousness and parade inside the ring with the WWE championship.
There’s no doubt that day by day, the WWE title seems to belong to Daniel Bryan, but Orton surely carries it with utmost style.
Whatever happens on Sunday, this feud should go on. Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan have a lot to give and take from this feud.