New Day (C) vs Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins and Xavier Woods started us off as Rollins followed an uppercut by Woods with a Slingblade before tagging in Roman Reigns. Woods then tagged in Big E who tossed Roman out of the ring before going for a spear. Roman knee-d Big E before he could execute the spear as Jericho tagged himself in. Owens and Jericho went to work on Big E in their corner as Owens did whatever he could to stay on top, including stamping Big E's hand.
He then tagged Jericho bag in who was greeted with open fisted slaps from Big E but Jericho hit back with a boot to the face as the best friends continued to rotate the tag. Owens and Big E then took each other out with a double clothesline with Big E making the tag. Woods came in with pace and took the fight to the Universal Champion before heading to the top rope. Jericho distracted Woods for a second and Owens met him on the top rope as Owens and Jericho looked to hit a double superplex. Rollins joined them on the top rope before Big E and Roman joined in too as we saw a double powerbomb/vertical suplex combos. Incredible.
We came back from commercial to see Owens in control of Xavier Woods as he went for a quick pin on Woods. He then went for a chin lock as he had Woods in complete control. Owens then went for a jumping Senton but missed as Woods and Owens made the tags. Big E came in and hit multiple Belly-to-belly suplexes on Jericho before Rollins sent Big E crashing out. Rollins then hit a suicide dive to Jericho, followed by a glancing knee.
Roman then came in and hit a Powerbomb on Jericho before gesturing for the Superman Punch which he hit to Owens on the apron. Jericho then went for a Walls Of Jericho but Roman powered out before Woods came in and hit an enzeguiri to Reigns followed by a splash from the top rope for the nearfall.
Woods then hit multiple forearms before Rollins hit him with a running knee before Owens came in and hit a superkick. Rollins followed it up with a superkick of his own to Owens as Jericho hit a Lionsault on Woods for the nearest of falls. Jericho then locked in the Walls of Jericho which Woods reversed into a pinning combination for another nearfall. Owens then came in and hit a Superkick to Owens which JeriKO followed up with a pop-up Codebreaker which Rollins broke up at the last second.
Owens and Jericho argued in the middle of the ring as Rollins came in and Pedigreed Chris Jericho. Big E then pulled Jericho out of the ring as Woods covered Jericho for the win as New Day definitely enter the record books.
New Day def. Owens & Jericho and Rollins & Reigns
Jericho and Owens argued in the ring after the match before Jericho left the ring. Roman then came in and Speared Kevin Owens before picking up the Universal Championship belt to a string of boos.