The New Day address the WWE Universe
The New Day are out next. Kofi addresses the fans saying that the 2017 Royal Rumble would be the most stacked of all time. He went through the names on the list – Lesnar, Strowman, Undertaker etc. before announcing the most important participants were themselves.
Big E then said it was foe vs foe, man vs man at the Rumble but if any member of the New Day won, then to them, every member of the New Day won.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Titus O’ Neil’s music hit at this point. He came out saying that he didn’t want to be in the New Day anymore because he wanted to replace The New Day. He then told the New Day members that since they had 3 spots in the Rumble, he wanted one of their spots. Big E laughed in his face and refused.
Titus then added that he would fight one member of the New Day for their Royal Rumble spot. Big E stepped up as we headed to commercial.
Big E vs Titus O’ Neil
We come back from commercial to see Big E in action against Titus O’ Neil. Big E taunted Titus before locking in the abdominal stretch. He followed it up with clubbing blows to Titus’ midsection outside the ring. A frustrated Titus pushed Xavier Woods down before running back into the ring and hitting Big E with a Big Boot.
Titus mounted E after this and hit forearms. He then picked Big E up and planted him face-first into the mat. The crowd got behind Big E as he kicked out of the cover and tried to fight back. Titus hit Big E with a Powerslam before hitting a legdrop.
The Titus Brand looked to be heading to the Rumble as Titus took control and locked in an abdominal stretch. Big E finally fought back however and hit a massive belly-to-belly suplex. He followed it up with his trademark Big Splash before hitting the Big Ending to pin Titus.
Big E def. Titus O’ Neil