Braun Strowman vs The Mile High Trio
Last week there were two and this week the WWE added another one. The three sacrificial lambs were of the opinion that Strowman would gas out as they are at a higher altitude and that no one can beat the trio from Denver.
Strowman had heard enough and he bum-rushed the ring to take each one down. And so, the squashing began. Some monstrous splashes, manhandling throws, and a semi-botched double missile drop kick later, Strowman delivered the reverse chokeslam on one of the victims onto a laid out body. Double pinfall, 1-2-3!
Result: Braun Stroman def. local jobbers
Strowman picked up the win and took the mic and demanded better competition right now or he’d come for Foley backstage. Guess who answered the challenge? The Underdog from the Underground, Sami Zayn came out to a massive pop and stood toe-to-toe with the immovable object.