Lana, Rusev and Roman Reigns segment
Lana with the usual introduction, before inviting Rusev out. Rusev grabbed a microphone and started talking a big game about how he would to crush Reigns at HIAC. He went on to talk about families, before showing us all pictures of his family members. First up, was Rusev's mother, who was revealed to be a 2-time national Rowing Champion and the 'backbone' of the family.
This was followed by Rusev's father, who was revealed to be a strong man. Lana: We love you Papa Rusev! Rusev's random brother is shown, along with his grandmom as well, as the Bulgarian Brute unearths a family picture of himself. This was getting unbearable, and almost on cue, Roman Reigns was out!
The audience almost pops. Almost. Reigns went after Rusev, who cheap shots him with a Superkick after Lana slaps the Big Dog. Rusev seemed beside himself as he unlocked the steel steps and pushed it onto the ring. He slammed Reigns against the steel steps and locked in the Accolade on top of it.
Statement. Made.