WWE Raw Results 19th September 2016, Latest Monday Night Raw winners and video highlights

Owens and Reigns tore the house down
Chris Jericho unveiled ‘the list of Jericho’

Jericho is in the ring with “the list of Jericho”. He’s reading out a list of his complaints which include Foley trying to drive a wedge between and his best friend KO and favouring Sami Zayn. Jericho showed what a seasoned professional he was when he reacted on the spot and added a guy from the crowd who’d been giving him lip service to the list before threatening to add everyone in the crowd to the list. This segment is homage to Jericho’s list segment in WCW when he called out all the moves he knew during his feud with Dean Malenko.

Jericho then got interrupted by Enzo and Cass who came to the ring doing their usual schtick.

Enzo came out and said that KO couldn’t be Jericho’s best friend because a true best friend wouldn’t have let him come out to the ring in that scarf. Cass follows up with a list of true best friends that include Bart and Milhouse, Bert and Ernie, and Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson. Jericho replies and says that half those people didn’t exist and this wasn;t 1998.

The Shining Stars’ music hits and they come out and say that Enzo looked stressed and could use a time-share in Puerto Rico. Thankfully, The New Day interrupted immediately and said that they had come out because they had nothing better to do. The Club then interrupted and said that they had no time for the New Day and their Booty-O’s or the Shining Stars and their real estate scams.

At this point, Jericho is well and truly fed up and he says that his list was originally about Foley but now everyone who interfered during his segment would be on the list. Then Sami Zayn’s music hit and he was out for revenge. He met Jericho on the entrance ramp and pounded him back into the ring, at which point an all out brawl broke out as we headed into the commercial break.


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