Sheamus and Cesaro vs Enzo and Cass (#1 contender’s match for the WWE Universal Championship)
Enzo and Cass cut their usual promo before the match.
Sheamus and Cass started us off. Sheamus impressed early, driving Cass into the corner before hitting a running heel kick. Cass mounted a brief comeback but Sheamus and Cesaro traded tags early before Cass hit back with a massive bodyslam on Sheamus. Cass then tagged in Enzo Amore. Cass launched Enzo into Sheamus before Enzo headed to the top rope. Sheamus hit him with an uppercut, knocking him off the apron which Cesaro followed up with a running uppercut against the barricade. We then headed to commercial.
We came back from commercial to see Sheamus all over Enzo. He hit a jumping knee before tagging Cesaro back in. Enzo then hit back by launching both Sheamus and Cesaro out of the ring. Enzo then looked to scamper back into the ring and make the cover, only for Cesore to intercept him with an uppercut. Cesaro looked back in control but Enzo soon sent him face first into the turnbuckle before both men made tags.
Cass came in hot and booted Sheamus out of the ring before Cesaro came in and hit him with an uppercut. He follwoed it up with a beautiful crossbody followed by a springboard corkscrew uppercut. Cesaro then went for a Swing but Enzo came and distracted Cesaro. Cesaro launched Enzo out of the ring but Cass hit him with an East River Crossing to pin him.
Enzo and Cass def. Sheamus and Cesaro
Enzo bad begun to cut another insulting promo on Cesaro and Sheamus after the match but Sheamus cleaned his clock with a nasty Brogue Kick. The crowd responded with chants of “Thank You Sheamus”.
We got a backstage segment after this. We saw Kevin Owens looking to leave the building when Mick Foley stopped him and informed him that he had a natch with Sami Zayn later in the night. Owens sent out a warning to Foley, telling him that he would soon end up with more guys on the injured list if he wasn’t careful
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