Contract signing for the WWE Cruiserwieght Championship match at WWE Fastlane
Jack Gallagher was in the ring with Austin Aries at the beginning of this segment. Gallagher signed his contract early before calling out Neville. Neville signed the contract and was about to leave when Gallagher called him back.
Gallagher offered Neville tea and biscuits, which Neville didn’t take kindly to. Neville asked Gallagher to take a look at itself because he was a stereotype of what American’s expected British people to be. He then added that the real streets of England were like him, ugly and rough around the edges. Gallagher replied that this was the way he had been raised.
Neville didnt take kindly to Gallagher’s perceived insolence and toppled the table over before pushing Gallagher away by the face. Gallagher took Neville down before hitting him with a massive headbutt. An enreaged Neville tried to get back into the ring but Gallagher stood strong.