WWE RAW Results 20th May, 2013

Every Monday Night RAW episode post Extreme Rules is bound to be eventful. Such was the case on WWE RAW this week. Let’s take a quick look at the results:

Ryback challenges John Cena for an Ambulance Match at WWE Payback

Monday Night RAW kicked off with Ryback delivering probably his finest promo till date. Ryback drove to the ring in an ambulance and delivered the entire promo while standing on top of the vehicle. After a bit of Cena bashing, Ryback got to the point and challenged John Cena for an Ambulance Match at WWE Payback. Despite the beating he suffered under Ryback’s hands, will John Cena accept the challenge?

Chris Jericho and The Miz vs Fandango and Wade Barett

The first match of the night started off with some tag team action. During the course of the match, Fandango ‘lost it’ and started dancing with his partner Summer Rae, leaving all the other three competitors perplexed. Jericho took advantage of the situation and set up Barrett with the Codebreaker. The Miz finished the job with the Figure Four locked in, leaving Barrett with no choice but to tap out. After the culmination of the match, The Miz chased Fandango out of the building while Jericho teased Summer Rae and left the arena with a smirk on his face. Advantage Jericho.

Winner: Chris Jericho and The Miz

Vicky Guerrero’s Announcement

Vicky Guerrero revealed that it was up to the WWE Universe to decide who would face Jack Swagger on RAW tonight. The WWE Universe were given the choice to vote between The Great Khali, R-Truth and the Viper, Randy Orton.

Sheamus vs Titus O’Neil

O’Neil showed the WWE Universe how impressive he was as he dominated the Celtic Warrior in the early stages of the match. Despite an interference from Darren Young, Sheamus, with the White Noise followed by a brutal Brogue Kick, finished off O’Neil. Is O’Neil getting a push? Is this the beginning of a new feud? All these question will be answered next week on RAW.

Winner: Sheamus

Paul Heyman reveals his new client

Paul Heyman came to the ring to a round of boos. Heyman, as usual, was gold on the microphone, teasing and taunting the crowd as he proceeded to reveal his new client. It was none other than the son of the legendary Mr. Perfect and NXT wrestler, Curt Axel (previously known as Michael McGillicutty).

After the huge announcement, the Game’s music hit the arena. Triple H, who didn’t look too shaken despite losing to Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules, addressed Heyman. The King of Kings defended his loss to Lesnar and informed Heyman that he “went to war” last night and had no problems in losing to Lesnar. The Game came with the sole intention of beating up Heyman but Heyman’s new client stepped up to the occasion. Triple H was ready for battle and challenged Curt Axel to a match tonight – the Game’s first match on RAW in 3 years!

Alberto Del Rio vs Big E Langston

The match went back and forth until AJ Lee caused a distraction which in turn allowed Langston to poke Del Rio in the eye and finish him off to eventually cheat his way to victory.

Winner: Big E Langston

AJ Lee vs Layla

The match hardly lasted 5 minutes. AJ Lee fended off Layla easily with her impressive submission finisher, The Black Widow.

Winner: AJ Lee

Cody Rhodes vs Zack Ryder

This match was another “squash job” as Zack Ryder jobbed for the nth time to eventually lose to an impressive Cody Rhodes. But it wasn’t over yet. Ryback made an appearance yet again. This time with evil intentions. A Meathook clothesline, a Powerbomb and a ShellShock’d later, Zack Ryder was seeing stars. In the end, Ryback sent across a message to John Cena by sending Ryder packing in an ambulance. A sign of things to come?

Winner: Cody Rhodes

shield champs

Team Hell No and Kofi Kingston vs The SHIELD (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns)

Arguably, the match of the night. We saw some great tag team action with the crowd going nuts for Daniel Bryan. A huge pop to say the least. Bryan wanted to prove that he wasn’t the weak link in Team Hell No. Unfortunately, the SHIELD had other plans. Great co-ordination and teamwork from the SHIELD prevented Kane from delivering the Chokeslam. Reigns took advantage and speared Kane for the victory. The SHIELD proved once again that the WWE was their yard.

Winner: The SHIELD

Jack Swagger vs Randy Orton

The Viper won by a landslide margin to earn the right to face Swagger. The match went back and forth until Swagger the technician decided to work on Orton’s knee. Despite getting his knee injured, Orton rose to the occasion and survived the Patriot Lock. The crowd was hot for Orton as the Viper delivered the RKO to record an impressive victory. In the process, he received the biggest pop of the night. It’s looking great if you’re a Randy Orton fan!

Winner: Randy Orton

Main Event: Triple H vs Curtis Axel

The veteran vs the hungry newcomer – This match could have been a classic. In the short space of time given to him, Curtis Axel (formerly known as Michael McGillicutty) made his late, great father proud and proved that he belonged to the big league. During the course of the match, Triple H began to feel dizzy and had to recuperate outside the ring. The Game appeared to have a concussion. RAW ended with footage of Triple H struggling to even get up on his two feet. Did Brock Lesnar’s brutal beating result in the Game possibly having a concussion? We still don’t know yet. From what it looks like, the sun is slowly setting on Triple H’s wrestling career.

Winner: No Contest

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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