WWE RAW Results: New Champion Crowned; Edge's WrestleMania opponent revealed

We got a bunch of surprises tonight on RAW
We got a bunch of surprises tonight on RAW

RAW kicked off with Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins coming out for the KO Show. The Alpha Academy were the guests, and the two teams quarreled about who would go to WrestleMania as the RAW Tag Team Champions. Owens and Gable started shushing each other before Owens hit the stunner on him, and we headed for a break.

WWE RAW Results (28th February 2022): Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins vs. The Alpha Academy

Otis and Owens kicked off the match during the commercials, and the champs had the early advantage. Rollins was tagged in, but a distraction from Gable let Otis send Seth outside.

Otis wiped Rollins out and went for a splash in the corner, but Seth got out of the way and made the tag. KO came in and hit a cannonball on Otis before wiping out both champs on the outside.

Back after another break, Gable set up for a moonsault, but Owens countered before Rollins came in and hit a bucklebomb and the stomp for the win.

Result: Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins def. The Alpha Academy

Grade: B

Omos vs. T-Bar on RAW

Omos dropped T-Bar outside right off the bat and bounced him off the apron before the bell was even rung. The match was started, and T-Bar went down with a massive clothesline before Omos hit the two-handed chokeslam for the easy win.

Result: Omos def. T-Bar

Grade: C

Becky Lynch, Doudrop, and Nikki A.S.H. were hyped for the six-woman tag match that was next on the show. Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, and Liv Morgan were backstage as well as they got ready to head out for the match.

Becky Lynch, Doudrop & Nikki A.S.H. vs. Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair & Liv Morgan on RAW

Liv and A.S.H. kicked off the match on RAW, and Doudrop came in with the tag early on and took control of the match. Belair and Ripley tagged in for a double team on Doudrop before they teamed up and took out Nikki and Becky as well on the outside.

Back after a break on RAW, Bianca was caught in a rollup before Becky beat her up on the apron before sending her into the ring post. Ripley was in next and got a near fall off a dropkick. Nikki was in the ring, and Liv, Becky, Bianca, and Doudrop took each other out.

Nikki was about to get the pin on Ripley, but Bianca broke it up. Becky came in and took some big shots to the gut with Belair's braids. Lynch retreated, and Nikki tried rolling up Bianca, but she reversed it and hit the KOD for the win.

Result: Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair & Liv Morgan def. Becky Lynch, Doudrop & Nikki A.S.H.

Grade: B

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Robert Roode on RAW

Ciampa unloaded on Roode as the match began on RAW and was tossed outside before coming back with a clothesline. Roode was able to get a near fall off a spinebuster.

Ciampa came back with an inverted DDT before Roode blocked the Fairytale Ending. Ciampa hit a knee strike and blocked the glorious DDT before Ciampa rolled him up.

Result: Tommaso Ciampa def. Robert Roode

The Dirty Dawgs attacked Ciampa after the match, and Ziggler sent a warning to Bron Breakker, who was set to team up with Ciampa on NXT tomorrow.

Grade: C

Akira Tozawa & Tamina vs. Dana Brooke & Reggie on RAW

Reginald was in and got some big moves and a dropkick for a near fall. Brooke and Tamina came in for a bit, and Dana wiped Tamina out before Reggie got the tag and hit his finisher for the easy win.

Result: Dana Brooke & Reggie def. Akira Tozawa & Tamina

After the match, Brooke gave Reggie a kiss while Tamina and Tozawa were having their own moment at ringside. Tamina kissed Tozawa and walked backstage before Tozawa followed her out.

Grade: C

Rey Mysterio and Dominik were out next on RAW and sent out a warning to The Miz and Logan Paul before their match with the Hurt Business.

The Miz came out instead and fired back at the Mysterios before listing his and Logan's accomplishments. Miz cut a short promo before we headed for the match.

Rey & Dominik Mysterio vs. The Hurt Business on RAW

We returned to the show after a break to see Benjamin and Rey in the ring, and the Hurt Business were in control. Cedric came in, and they isolated Rey in the corner before Mysterio hit a counter and got the tag.

Dominik came in and got a near fall on Benjamin before they tossed Cedric outside and Rey wiped him out. Dominik sent Benjamin into the ring post before The Miz interfered in the match, and it allowed Shelton to pick up the win with a rollup.

Result: The Hurt Business def. Rey & Dominik Mysterio

Grade: B

Riddle and Randy were backstage and were excited about their upcoming tag title shot.

RK-Bro vs. The Street Profits on RAW

Riddle and Dawkins started the match, and Riddle was isolated by the Profits early on. Randy came in and turned things around before Dawkins was sent outside, and Riddle hit a big dive on him.

Montez hit Riddle with a big drop on the outside before we headed for a break on the show. Back to the match, Dawkins blocked an RKO, and Ford came in with the frog splash before getting the pin, even though Randy got his foot on the ropes in time.

Result: The Street Profits def. RK-Bro

Grade: B

Austin Theory was in Mr. McMahon's office, and Theory wanted to be there for Vince's appearance at the Pat McAfee show citing the risk of a potential attack from the interviewer. McMahon told him, it's not that kind of show' and turned him down.

Damian Priest (c) vs. Finn Balor - United States Championship match on RAW

Priest had the early advantage, but Balor came back with a basement dropkick before hitting a dive to the outside. After a break on RAW, Priest got a backbreaker and a near fall.

Balor dropped Priest and hit a double stomp before sending him into the corner with a dropkick. Balor missed the Coupe de Grace before reversed a rollup and a finisher. Priest got the chokeslam but took the 1916 before Balor got the Coupe de Grace and picked up the win.

Result: Finn Balor def. Damian Priest to become the new United States Championship

Priest got on the mic and said that he was going to take the title back before taking out the new champ with a cheap shot. Priest sent Balor outside the ring and hit a crucifix powerbomb on the announce desk.

Grade: B+

Edge was out next on the red brand and was still waiting for an answer to his WrestleMania challenge. AJ Styles was the one to come out and joined Edge in the ring before saying: "I accept."

Edge taunted Styles, and a brawl broke out. Styles managed to fight back and went for a phenomenal forearm, but Edge dodged it and hit a low blow before unloading on AJ.

Edge was walking out but came back with the steel chairs and delivered the con-chair-to twice before RAW went off the air.

Episode rating: B+

We got a new US Champion tonight on RAW while the Alpha Academy took a big loss. We got a six-woman tag match while Edge addressed his WrestleMania challenge on the show.

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