Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns
Owens didn’t wait for the bell to ring for this one and attacked Roman before the bell had rung. Owens punched and kicked Roman, forcing him to roll outside before Roman turned the tide and slammed Owens into the barricade.
Owens replied by sending Roman crashing shoulder-first into the steel stairs. He then followed it up with his trademark Senton back inside the ring as Raw headed to commercial.
We came back from commercial to see Roman on top but Owens soon took control again, hitting a devastating DDT on Reigns. With Roman down in the corner, Owens hit a cannonball for the 2-count.
Owens then put Roman in a headlock as he spoke trash to Reigns while Reigns tried to break free. When Roman was almost free, Owens got up and hit a Senton before locking in the headlock again and wearing down the ‘Big Dog’ further. Owens then went for another Senton but was met by Roman’s knees this time.
Roman then took advantage and pounded Owens in the corner before hitting him with a running big boot. Owens and Reigns then hit each other with a series of strikes which was broken up after a Samoan Drop by Roman Reigns. Roman then gestured for the Superman Punch but Owens rolled out of the ring only to get hit by a Drive By.
Roman sent Owens back into the ring but was hot by a Superkick as re-entered the ring but Owens only managed a nearfall. He then headed to the top rope but Roman met him there and looked to hit a superplex. Owens managed to throw Reigns off but Reigns responded with a running Superman Punch and Owens rolled out again.
Reigns met him there and hit him with a Superman Punch and hit him with a Spear inside the ring for the win.
Roman Reigns def. Kevin Owens