Braun Strowman vs. Kane (Elimination Qualifying Last Man Standing match)

The Monster among Men and The Big Red Machine made their way to the ring for what promised to be a chaotic affair. It didn't take time for the action to pick up as Strowman went on the offensive from the get-go
The two behemoths brawled near the announcer's table and Strowman was well in control. He ended the match in abrupt fashion as he flipped the announcer's table on top of Kane, forcing the referee to call for the bell and adjudge him as the winner.
Strowman advanced to the Elimination Chamber match and how! Strowman reemerged on the ramp while the medical team tended to a lifeless Kane. Corey Graves asked Strowman about his actions and Strowman justified it by saying it was what Kurt Angle asked for.
Angle wanted the last man standing and he got a monster standing tall. The fans poped and Raw cut to a commercial break.
The commentators continued to hype up an unhinged Strowman, who was confronted by Angle backstage. Strowman vowed to be the last man standing at EC and at WrestleMania when he defeats Brock Lesnar to become the new Universal Champion.