Roman Reigns vs. The Miz (c) (Intercontinental Championship match)

Reigns shut Miz down with a big right to begin the match as he stared the Miztourage down at ringside. The action shifted outside and this was the window Miz needed to gain control of the match and he did so by sending Reign into the steel ring post.
Back from the break, Reigns looked to get back on top with the ten clotheslines in the corner followed by the big boot to the face. He scouted Miz for the spear but got taken out by a chop block to his left leg.
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Miz unleashed a barrage of IT kicks and went for the high impact finale but got caught. Reigns picked up him for the powerbomb but Miz reversed into a figure four leg lock. The Nature Boy would be proud. Reigns flipped over and reversed the pressure back on the Miz. The A-Lister wriggled his way to the rope and forced the break.
An insane sit-out powerbomb from Reigns got him a two-count. Miz countered with a Skull Crushing Finale outta nowhere. 1....2....KICKOUT! Reigns somehow managed to get his shoulder up at 2 and a half! The back and forth action continued as Reigns stunned Miz with the Superman Punch.
Dallas and Axel came to the aid of their leader as the referee tried to restore some order. Reigns took both Dallas and Axel out with a Superman Punch. Miz took advantage of the chaos and rolled Reigns up for the 3-count.