The Miz vs Heath Slater (for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)
Miz clearly wasn’t dressed to compete as the match began. Slater started off strong but Miz soon took back control with a snapmare takedown. Slater hit back with a hip toss followed by a backslide for a 2-count. Slater then used an Inside Cradle for another 2-count before Miz took Slater down with a cheapshot.
Slater replied with right hands in the corner, ripping Miz’s shirt open before hitting him with knife-edged chops. He followed it up with an inverted atomic drop and a Jacknife cover for another 2-count. A startled Miz then rolled out to ringside for a breather as we headed to commercial.
We came back from commercial to find Miz in complete control as he dumped Slater out to ringside. Miz rolled Slater back into the ring and hit the ‘Yes’ kicks. Slater recovered and hit a running knee followed by a neckbreaker for a nearfall. Slater then hit a Powerslam which led Curtis Axel to get on the apron to try and distract the referee.
Rhyno pulled him down but Dallas and Axel recovered and took out Rhyno. Miz used to the distraction to his the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.
The Miz def. Heath Slater
Axel and Dallas continued the beatdown after the bell, causing Ambrose to come down from commentary to take on them. He got outmuscled though and ended up on the wrong side of a beating.