WWE Raw results: 4th June 2018, latest Monday Night Raw winners, video highlights

Plenty of surprises were in store for the fans on tonight's RAW
Plenty of surprises were in store for the fans on tonight's RAW

This week's Monday Night RAW started off with a performance by Elias and the crowd chanted that they wanted to walk with Elias. Elias gloated about taking out Rollins last week and shows footage.

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Seth Rollins' music hit soon after and the Kingslayer charged down to the ring. Rollins and Elias faced off and finally came to blows. Meanwhile, Jinder Mahal came out of nowhere to attack Rollins. Roman Reigns came out to even the odds.

RAW GM Kurt Angle came out next. He made the tag match between Rollins and Reigns vs Mahal and Elias official.


#1 Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns vs Jinder Mahal & Elias


Elias and Jinder dominated the early parts of the match. Reigns took Jinder down and finally made the tag to Rollins. Rollins and Elias came in fresh and Rollins was all over the Drifter. Rollins hit a Blockbuster for a near fall before clutching his injured neck.

The Big Dog proceeded to punch Mahal out of the ring and as he was about to assault The Maharaja outside, Sunil Singh interfered and Elias took advantage as we headed to commercial.

Rollins headed to ringside to help Reigns as Sunil Singh tried to hit Rollins with a steel chair. Rollins caught the chair and headed into the ring where Elias hit him with the Drift Away onto the steel chair. Mahal and Elias get a huge win after the following pin

Result: Jinder Mahal & Elias def. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns


There were Tacos ringside and Curt Hawkins was in the ring to explain. Hawkins said he's at 199 losses in a row but he guaranteed there wouldn't be a 200 and when he won, everyone in the arena would get a free taco. Hawkins introduced his opponent, a local competitor called James Harden.

#2 Curt Hawkins vs James Harden

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Hawkins stomped Harden in the corner before whipping him into the opposite corner. Hawkins followed up with a spinning bodyslam before Harden replied with right hands of his own. Hawkins followed it up with a nasty clothesline.

As Hawkins was about to pick up his win, Baron Corbin's music hit. Corbin came out and attacked Harden, causing Curt Hawkins to lose the match by DQ through no fault of his own. Hawkins followed Corbin outside and Corbin hit him with a taco and unloaded the table of tacos on him.

Result: James Harden wins by DQ

Curt Hawkins' streak is 0-200 in WWE!

Backstage, Baron Corbin approached Kurt Angle and accused him of not running RAW fairly. He then proceeded to read out a letter from Stephanie McMahon which stated that Corbin was appointed the new constable of RAW.


#3 Nia Jax vs. Natalya

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Natalya went for an early submission but was tossed around a bit by Nia and ended up outside the rind as we headed for another ad break.

When we returned, Natalya was in a chokehold administered by Nia. Nattie took a big headbutt and delivered a huge dropkick to the face of Nia Jax. Natalya dodged a running motion and took Nia down with a clothesline but it was only a near fall.

Nia Jax hit Natalya with a Samoan Drop and got the three count, winning the match.

Result: Nia Jax def. Natalya

Ater the match, Jax was standing over an injured Natalya and Ronda Rousey came into the ring to help her. Nia and Rousey stared each other off before the latter helped carry Natalya backstage.


Bobby Roode was admiring his jacket backstage and Renee approached him about being in his first Money in the Bank ladder match. He said when he wins the briefcase after defeating the seven other contestants, it's going to be "Glorious!"

#4 Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Roode


Roode tried to lock up with Braun who swatted him away initially. Roode tried to follow up with chops but they had no effect on Roode. Roode headed to the middle rope but Braun caught him. In desperation, Roode went after Strowman's knee.

Roode bought himself some time as he sidestepped Strowman, who went shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. Roode brought out a ladder and set it up on the ring and the barricade. Strowman was back to his feet and Roode lead him on a chase outside the ring.

Roode slipped under the ladder and Strowman crushed the ladder with his bare fists. That spelt the beginning of the end for Roode as Strowman hit him with the Running Powerslam and pinned him.

Result: Braun Strowman def. Booby Roode


We were backstage and Natalya is on crutches with Nia Jax and Ronda Rousey looked on.


Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy were out next. They warned their prospective challengers that they will be facing Woken Warriors and Fireflies


#5 Tag Team Battle Royale to determine the #1 Contenders for the RAW Tag Team Championships


McIntyre and Ziggler spent the first stages of the match at ringside, letting the other teams fight it out. Dolph Ziggler was the first to be eliminated but he returned to the ring and delivered a Zig Zag Claymore with the help of McIntyre. The two were disqualified shortly after and officials escorted them away.

Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews got eliminated during the break. Viktor and Konnor were eliminated before The Revival eliminated Breezango. Rhyno eliminated The Revival. Dash and Dawson were out soon after followed by Rhyno. Heath Slater and The B Team were the only ones left in the ring and the latter wins the title shot by being the last team standing.

Result: The B Team win the Tag Team Battle Royale and become the #1 Contenders for the RAW Tag Team Championships


Lashley lashes out against Sami Zayn

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Bobby Lashley was out next to respond to Sami Zayn. He was greeted by a light smattering of boos. Sami Zayn came out and said that he'd scouted Lashley well. Zayn added that he had scouted Lashley through Instagram and he'd seen some of Lashley's inspirational quotes.

Zayn said that he sent an anonymous message to Lashley on his Instagram DM. He said that instead of a personalized message, Lashley replied with a link to his Fan Club. The segment ended after Zayn touched a nerve by asking Lashley if he was even in the Army, after accusing him of being a liar.


Jinder Mahal was backstage with Charly Caruso. The Modern Day Maharaja referred to Roman Reigns as a jealous and bitter man who was jealous of Jinder's ability. Mahal added that Roman has received chance after chance and has failed repeatedly. Mahal then said that the winds were shifting and Roman will soon find that a storm is coming.

Reigns was seen speaking with Renee Young. He responded to Mahal saying that teh latter should go back and check his resume. He said all Mahal does is walk around and expect to be handed everything. Jinder and Roman went back and forth and Roman said he'll shut Jinder's mouth for him after finding him.

Reigns found Jinder backstage and they traded blows. The Big Dog then sent Mahal face-first into a gate before referees separated them so they can't tear each other up before Money in the Bank.


#6 Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks and Ember Moon vs The Riott Squad

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Ember Moon and Ruby Riott started us off. Moon started off strong and tagged Alexa Bliss in. Alexa looked like she picked up a foot injury early and she tagged in Sasha Banks and walked away from the match. We were back from commercial and The Riott Squad had isolated Ember Moon in their corner. They triple-teamed Ember and it ended with a pop-up headbutt from Sarah Logan. Ember kicked out at 2 and Ruby Riott tagged herself in.

Ember Moon finally managed to make the tag. Sasha Banks wiped out Sarah Logan at ringside before going after Liv Morgan. Morgan used a distraction from Logan to plant Sasha face-first onto the mat for a 2-count.

The Riott Squad took turns to stomp Sasha before Liv Morgan made the tag and came back in. Banks hits Morgan with a neck breaker. Logan and Riott tried to ambush Ember on the apron but she took both of them out. Morgan knocked Moon off the apron and Logan hit Ember with a dropkick. Sasha tried to roll up Liv Morgan but only got a 2-count.

Ruby Riott tagged herself in and "The Boss" dumped Morgan out of the ring before taking out both Logan and Riott with a double knee strike from the top rope. Bayley's music hit and she came in and tagged herself in, despite not being in the match. She hit Logan with the Bayley-To-Belly to pick up the win for her team.

Result: Sasha Banks, Ember Moon and Bayley def. The Riott Squad


We saw Baron Corbin, the new RAW constable, backstage with Kurt Angle. Corbin said that Bayley inserting herself in the match wasn't legal and shouldn't count; unless he wanted to ask Stephanie McMahon.

Finn Balor vs Kevin Owens

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Owens and Balor locked up as the match started. Owens mocked Balor who knocked Owens out of the ring. Owens gingerly felt his left leg and got back in, taking his time.

Owens took Balor down with his patented side-headlock. Owens talked trash as Balor made his way back to his feet. Balor took Owens down with an arm drag. Owens got back with a cheap shot before driving his boot into Balor's face. The latter replied with a basement dropkick.

Balor headed to the top rope. Owens saw him coming and rolled out of the ring as we headed to commercial. Back from commercial, KO had Finn in a headlock. He was talking trash again as Balor made his way back to his feet. Owens struck Balor across the midriff. Balor struck Owens with an enzeguiri and heads to the top rope. Owens rolled out again. However, Balor managed to hit Owens with a massive running dive. Incredible.

Owens went to work on Balor's arm but Balor was back on his feet. Owens twisted Balor's arm and took him back down. Balor was finally back on his feet. He took Owens down with a reverse DDT for a 2-count. Balor looks for the sling blade but Owens rolls him up for a 2-count. Owens follows it up with a superkick.

Balor had Owens where he wanted him and hits him with the running dropkick. Balor headed to the top rope for the third time but Owens knocks Balor off. Kevin Owens stompsedBalor in the corner and didn't stop despite the referee telling him to. The referee eventually had to disqualify Owens. An enraged Owens headed to the top rope and hit a Frog Splash.

Finn Balor wins by DQ

Owens now took out a ladder. He set it up and climbed up and symbolically looked at the briefcase. Owens looked to hit the Frog Splash but didn't follow through. Balor got up and knocked Owens off, hitting him with a dropkick. Balor climbed the ladder and hits the Coup de Grace.


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