The show begins with Seth Rollins making an appearance with The Authority and then talks about how Dean Ambrose didn’t deserve the title shot, and they should take it away. Triple H stresses the need for something in paper as they only have a verbal agreement, and for that he says Dean Ambrose needs to come down to the ring to sign the contract.
Ambrose appears and says The Authority needs to appreciate his vision and despite being labelled as a lunatic he proclaims himself as the new WWE Champion. He also starts talking about making changes, then Rollins says that’s enough and he will put him down at Elimination Chamber for good.
Rollins calls him a cockroach and dares him to enter the ring, so Ambrose says its stupid and crazy, but says “why not” and starts proceeding towards the ring. Just then Roman Reigns comes to his aid, which results in Stephanie cutting them off and says Ambrose has until the end of the night to sign the contract. She then goes on to make a match between Ambrose and Reign vs Rollins and Kane, and it will happen now.
Match 1: Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins & Kane
The match starts on a positive note for the former Shield duo as Ambrose gets an early upper hand then Reigns tags in and the momentum shift towards Rollins as he takes him down and applies the headlock. The match tilts to and fro between the teams but in the end Ambrose gets in a surprise Dirty Deeds on Rollins to pick up the victory.
Winners: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose
Match 2: Rusev vs R-Truth
Rusev makes light work of R-Truth and makes him tap out to pick up the win
After the match Rusev calls Lana out to the ring and says he won't leave until she talks to him. Lana makes her way out and Rusev says they can set aside their differences all she needs to do is admit she was wrong. To this Lana shoots him a look leaves the ring. Rusev calls Lana a liar and to this Lana comes back to the ring and says he’s a liar and a quitter. Lana leaves and just then Dolph Ziggler makes his way out and they make out much to Rusev’s disappointment.
Dean Ambrose is approached by Triple H and Seth Rollins. He gets arrested by some cops and is led out of the arena.
Match 3: Ryback vs Bad News Barrett
Ryback and Barrett went for a very physical match and in the end Ryback picks up the win after hitting the Shell Shock on Barrett.
Stephanie and Triple H are seen bragging about getting Ambrose arrested and say Seth Rollins might not even have a match this Sunday. Just then the cast of The Entourage walks in and they talk about their new movie. However the mood changes when Jay Farrara brings up Ronda Rousey and Stephanie takes issue and tells them where their rooms are.
Match 4: Stardust vs Neville
Neville gets cheered by Bo Dallas throughout the match and he hits the Red Arrow to pick up the win. Bo says Neville can pick himself up if he BO-lieve and then kicks in Neville’s injured knee and leaves
Match 5: Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler
Rusev interrupts the match when he comes out and stares at Lana and Sheamus uses the distraction to hit the Brogue Kick and pick up the win. After the match, Rusev attacks Ziggler and applies the accolade screaming “Kiss Her Now” as Lana watches.
John Cena comes out and says that “Fight Owens Fight” doesn’t guarantee “Win Owens Win”. He says Owens may start one , but this Sunday they’ll see if he can win it too. Cena issues an open challenge and the cast of The Entourage makes their way out to nominate Zack Ryder.
Match 6: John Cena vs Zack Ryder (for the United States Championship)
Ryder starts the match positively, but then Cena takes over and hits the AA to pick up the win. Cena picks Ryder up and lifts his hand and meanwhile the cast of The Entourage shakes both man’s hands. Everyone goes to leave the stage just then Kevin Owens runs from behind and powerbombs Cena and steps on the US Title.
Match 7: Tamina (with Naomi) vs Paige
Naomi interferes and hits Paige behind the ref’s back to set up a win for Tamina.
10-on-3 Handicap Match:
The New Day vs Los Matadores, Prime Time Players, The Ascension, Lucha Dragons, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro
Woods runs his mouth a little too much and everyone jumps him, then we get a brawl with Lucha Dragons clearing the ring. The New Day is back in the ring, and Cesaro and Kidd take them out and celebrate.
Result – No Contest
The Authority comes to the ring and talks about how Dean Ambrose viciously attacked an employee, and the police took action. They play things up more than it needs and say Ambrose isn’t here, so he’s not getting a title shot. Roman Reigns rushes out and attacks, but he is quickly outnumbered and stomped down on the mat. Reigns makes a comeback but Kane takes him down with a chokeslam, then Ambrose shows back up with the paddy wagon he was taken away in, and heads to the ring with some night sticks.
Ambrose takes everyone down and goes after Rollins, then clotheslines Kane before Rollins regains the advantage. Rollins takes the night stick, but Reigns stops him and he and Ambrose attack Rollins before Reigns spears J&J. Kane whips Reigns outside but Reigns rebounds with a Superman punch, and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds. The Authority retreats up the ramp, and Reigns hands Ambrose the contract, and signs it to make his title match official.