Samoa Joe vs Chris Jericho
Samoa Joe drove Jericho into the corner as soon as the bell rang, hitting him with a running elbow in the corner followed by an enzeguiri. Joe followed it up by stomping Jericho in the corner. Jericho hit back by hitting Joe with a crossbody but it didn’t seem to have any effect as Joe drove Jericho back into the mat and hit him with a Senton.
Jericho reversed a submission attempt and went to attempt the Walls Of Jericho but Joe broke free as Jericho hit him with an enzeguiri. Jericho followed it up with a springboard dropkick as Joe landed back on his feet at ringside. Y2J looked to follow it up with a baseball slide but Joe dragged him out and locked in the Coquina Clutch on the outside.
Joe left a grounded Jericho lying on the floor as he headed back into the ring as Jericho got counted out.
Samoa Joe wins by DQ
Joe looked to punish Y2J further after the match was over but Y2J hit him with a Codebreaker and drove him away.