Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (C) vs Enzo and Cass (for the RAW Tag-Team Championships)
Enzo and Cass came out once again looking for cheap pops based on the local sports team, on this occasion the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan.
Gallows started off with Enzo. He hammered Enzo who made a quick tag to Cass. Cass and Gallows traded blows for a bit before Karl Anderson tagged himself in. Cass then cleared the ring of both men when the camera changed and we saw Cesaro and Sheamus walking out as we headed for a commercial.
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We came back from commercial to see Anderson beating down on Enzo Amore. Anderson hit a Belly-To-Back suplex before tagging Gallows back in. Gallows hit Enzo with a couple of tagging blows before Enzo hit a tornado DDT before both men made tags.
Cass came in and hit Anderson with multiple Fallaway Slams and Stinger Splashes which he followed with an Empire Elbow. Gallows broke up the pin attempt before Enzo hit him with a suicide dive. While celebrating, Enzo knocked over Cesaro’s coffee which led to Cesaro interfering and clotheslining Karl Anderson by mistake which led to a DQ.
Match ended by DQ
The situation broke out into a brawl between the 6 men which ended with Sheamus hitting Enzo with a Brogue Kick while he was hanging onto Sheamus.