WWE RAW: Results and Live Coverage, September 9, 2013

randy rko man

WWE Champion, Randy Orton

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to yet another episode of Monday Night RAW! Tonight we’re live from Toronto, Ontario Canada, and the hometown hero, the Rated R Superstar, Edge will make his return to the WWE for one night only! Rumours are floating around that he’ll be bringing back the Cutting Edge segment, which should be interesting.

Edge opened the show to a thunderous ovation from the hometown crowd! The crowd was electric inside the Air Canada Center, as the Hall of Famer kicked off the show. Edge thanked the fans, saying they reminded why WWE was his home, and he welcomed the fans to the Cutting Edge. He said the COO of WWE requested him to be present on the show, because it would be “good for business”. A nice Christian plug – in, and the fans popped for him. Edge said Triple H requested him to have a get together with Orton. Edge said Orton was boring, and was like watching a paint dry. I won’t lie, that made me chuckle. He said he laid out the blue print how to cash – in the MitB briefcase. Edge said he would have a different guest, as the crowd chanted ‘Yes!’. Edge brought out Daniel Bryan to a huge pop from the Toronto crowd.

WWE showed how Big Show was forced to KO Bryan last week. Loud ‘Daniel Bryan’ chants rang through the arena. Daniel Bryan mentioned the crowd, which led to loud ‘Yes’ chants. Bryan recapped how Orton attacked him last week, and said there was satisfaction in struggle. He said no matter how many times the Corporation gets in his way, he will beat Randy Orton and become the WWE champion once again. Edge said he appreciated Bryan, as he shared the same passion for business. Edge said he didn’t believe Bryan could beat Orton, and asked him if he believed he could beat the WWE champion. Bryan replied with ‘Yes’! Orton interrupted the segment, and said Edge could only come back in Canada. The crowd showed their displeasure towards Orton, and Edge said Orton maybe the face of WWE, but he acted like a different body part. Ouch!

Edge then said Orton’s father ran around with his cast, and implied that Orton didn’t have a spine. Edge said Triple H didn’t know how to spot talent, and said Orton sold out to Triple H, which brought the COO out. Edge said Triple H was wrong about him, about Jericho and even John Cena. Edge then said Triple H had a big nose, but he had to look past it. Edge is gold on the mic as always! Triple H then plugged in ‘Haven’, which is Edge’s show. Triple H then acknowledged that he was wrong about Jericho and Cena, and said he was right about Edge. He said Edge didn’t draw a dime, and said Edge was a failure. Triple H then said he’d give Bryan the opportunity to prove him wrong, and made Bryan vs Ambrose in the main event. Triple H then said the Big Show would be in Bryan’s corner in the main event. Triple H said he wasn’t a bad guy or a dictator. Loud chants by the crowd which weren’t PG. Edge said he didn’t marry into business like Triple H, but earned his success.

Triple H then said he couldn’t hurt Edge, but could hurt the ones he loved, and The Shield dragged out an unconscious Christian and left him on the ramp, as Edge tended to his best friend.

Analysis: 20 minutes of listening to Edge? I’d take that any day. Edge proved that he didn’t miss a beat on the mic, and was amazing as always. The crowd helped the segment, by being vocal right through out. It was a smart decision to bring Edge for this show, as it was in Toronto, and who better to put over the main event of a PPV than Edge? That was one of the best opening segments in the past few weeks, as we heard more from Edge than Triple H.

Edge confronted Triple H backstage, who hid behind The Shield. Edge said he wished he could be cleared so that he could take out Triple H. Triple H said Toronto was his town, and that it was his show. Triple H then threatened to throw Edge out, but Edge left on his own. That was a nice little showdown between Edge and Triple H.

Kofi Kingston vs Curtis Axel (With Paul Heyman)

Axel started things off with clubby blows on Kofi and put him down with a drop kick for a one count. Loud ‘CM Punk’ chants by the Toronto crowd. Kofi came back with high elbows, but Axel stopped him in his tracks. Kofi nearly put Axel out, but Axel managed to get out of the ring after the 2 count. Axel landed stiff knees to the back of Kofi near the turnbuckles, and didn’t stop after the 5 count for the DQ finish after 3 minutes.

Winner by DQ: Kofi Kingston

Rating: *

Post match, Heyman asked Axel what he was thinking. He told Axel not to do the same on Sunday. Axel went back to attack Kofi, but Kofi dropped Axel down with the Trouble in Paradise as a distraught Heyman looked on.

Analysis: That was a good way to show the aggressive side of Axel going into the Night of Champions, while also putting over how Axel can disqualify himself and leave Heyman to fend for himself. As I previously predicted, Heyman might debut the new ‘Paul Heyman Guy’ this Sunday, and with Sami Zayn debuting at the recent RAW house show, he can be featured on RAW soon. I can’t wait for that to happen!

WWE aired a vignette about Goldust, who is set to make his return to RAW tonight.

Backstage, Heyman was helped by a ref and Axel to the trainers room, as it looked like Heyman slipped due to water on the floor. Heyman refused the doctor’s help, and he said he had his own doctor.

Analysis: This puts over Heyman’s “weasel” persona, as he tries to do everything within his power to get out of the match this Sunday.

WWE aired Show knocking out Bryan last week for the 320th time.

Booker confronted Show backstage, and said last week might have been the worst night of his life. Booker said he knew Show for a long time. Booker then said he’d have done the same thing Show did. He told Show to think about himself and his family first. He asked Show to swallow his pride, and not to listen to the fans. Does this imply a Booker T heel turn? Triple H does know what’s best for business. Yes, that was sarcasm.

WWE aired a vignette about Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family.

Dolph Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt (With Luke and Erick)

‘Let’s go Ziggler’ chants to start things off. Wyatt dominated the match in the beginning, but Ziggler came back with a drop kick. Wyatt put Ziggler down with a running cross body as WWE went to commercial.

Back from the break and Wyatt continued to dominate Ziggler. Ziggler countered the chinlock and hit a huge splash in the corner and dropped Bray with a swinging neck breaker for a one count. Ziggler hit the Fameasser for a close 2 count. Ziggler avoided Luke and Erick, but was caught with a splash by Bray Wyatt. Bray then planted Ziggler with the swinging spike DDT for the pinfall victory after 7 minutes.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Rating: * 1/2

Analysis: Ziggler is still in the WWE doghouse for his comments about Triple H. It isn’t just a storyline, as the former World Heavyweight champion has been reduced to jobbing to others. Neither of the two have a feud going into Night of Champions, which doesn’t speak too well about their positions, although Bray Wyatt is over with the management.

WWE aired another vignette for the return of Goldust.

At the top of second hour, Paul Heyman came out with Curtis Axel, and was walking with the help of crutches. Heyman then ripped on the Canadian healthcare system, and said he travelled with his personal physician to a “We don’t care” chant by the crowd. Heyman said he either tore his meniscus or his ACL, and was waiting for the results. Heyman said he was withdrawing from Sunday’s match. Heyman then said he was going home to New York, and would come back when he was okay.

The General Manager, Brad Maddox came out with a WWE medical professional, and said the only way to be officially removed from the match would be if the WWE sanctioned doctors said so. The crowd started a “This is awkward” chant, which was awesome. The doctor examined his leg as the crowd chanted “Cheater cock” at Heyman. After examining, the doctor said Heyman was fine. Paul Heyman started arguing with Brad, as Punk came out to a thunderous ovation with a kendo stick. Heyman escaped from the ring as Punk took out the doctor and Axel. Heyman and Axel escaped, as Punk took his frustrations out on the physician. Vicious kendo shots to the doctor, as Punk yelled Heyman’s name with every shot.

Analysis: That was a great segment. Heyman showed just why he is the best non – wrestling performer on the roster, while the beatdown by Punk was great. I for one can’t wait to see what happens this Sunday.

Layla, Aksana and Alicia Fox vs Natalya, Naomi and Brie Bella

AJ was on commentary, as Naomi and Aksana started things off. AJ told Lawler she was too old for him, as she was 26. That was hilarious. Natalya got the hot tag, and the Toronto fans popped for her. Natalya took out Layla and Fox, and dropped Fox with a clothesline. Natalya locked Fox in the Sharpshooter and Fox tapped out in 3 minutes.

Winner (s): Natalya, Naomi and Brie

Rating: 1/2*

Analysis: Correct booking with Natalya picking up the victory for her team. Lawler tried to bully AJ, and crossed the line on various occasions. Anyway, this match put over the Divas bout at the NoC PPV.

R – Truth vs Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio and Truth locked up, while the crowd chanted for JBL. Truth threw ADR out and launched himself on him. ADR came back with a huge running shining wizard on the apron. Truth countered a chinlock with a roll up for a 2 count. ADR stomped on Truth and locked in the chinlock. The crowd started chanting random names, as Truth came back with clotheslines and a face plant for a 2 count. The crowd started chanting for The Undertaker, while ADR kicked Truth and locked in the cross arm breaker to pick up the victory after 5 minutes.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Rating: * 3/4

Analysis: The highlight of that bout was the crowd, who chanted for the commentators, their nannies, the President and the alien that landed on Cena’s house. Maybe not, but they were entertaining. ADR builds momentum as we go to the NoC PPV this Sunday, and it’ll be interesting to see the outcome of the bout.

WWE announced the pre – show bout for the NoC PPV, which will be the Tag Team turmoil. 5 teams will participate in the bout to crown the new number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team championships.

Zeb cut a promo about Canada and called them stupid. There was a nice “Zeb snuck across our border” sign. Santino Marella made his return to RAW.

Santino Marella vs Antonio Cesaro (With Zeb Colter)

Cesaro took advantage in the early going, as the crowd chanted for Santino. A loud “Maple Syrup” chant erupted while Cesaro spun Santino for what looked like an eternity! Wow, that was amazing! Santino tried to make a come back and went for the Cobra, but Cesaro dropped him with an upper cut and then a belly to back throw for a 2 count. Cesaro taunted Santino, but Santino reversed it into an armdrag small package to pick up the 3 count!

Winner: Santino Marella

Rating: * 1/2

Analysis: That was a fun match! Cesaro showed just why he might just be the strongest professional wrestler alive, and spun Santino for a very long time! Santino picked up the victory in a way that didn’t hurt Cesaro, so that was well booked.

Damien Sandow vs The Miz

Sandow cut a short promo, and started things off by locking up with Miz as the crowd chanted for Sandow. Miz came back with a good suplex and a clothesline in the corner for a 2 count. Sandow hung the Miz on the second rope and delivered some stiff kicks for a 2 count. Side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain by Sandow for yet another near fall. The crowd started chanting for Y2J while Sandow locked in a chinlock. Miz came back with a high running knee and a boot to the face. The fans started a “You can’t wrestle” chant. Amen to that. Fandango came out with Summer and Sandow rolled up a distracted Miz to pick up the victory. The crowd didn’t care about Miz, and danced along! Fandango then pronounced his name and made his way to the back.

Winner: Damien Sandow

Rating: * 1/2

Analysis: The crowd wasn’t interested in The Miz, and cheered on for Sandow. Sandow can cash – in his MitB contract this Sunday, and he reminded the fans just that.

Backstage, Renee interviewed Goldust. Dustin said he was the screw up of the family while Cody made the most of his opportunities. Goldust said Triple H was throwing his weight around, and said he’d beat Orton. Triple H interrupted Goldust, and played mind games, saying there was a lot of pressure on Goldust to win. That was a nice way to build up the match between Orton and Goldust.

Randy Orton vs Goldust

Goldust meant business, as he started things off by taking it to Orton while the crowd chanted for Goldust. Goldust and Orton traded punches and kicks, and Goldust dropped Orton with a shoulder block. Orton rolled out of the ring as the crowd started a “You still got it” chant. Orton came back with an upper cut for a 2 count. More back and forth action, and Orton took control of the bout, but Goldust came back with a roll up for a near fall. Orton rolled out of the ring as RAW went to commercial.

Back from commercial and Orton was in control. Orton hung Goldust over the top rope and threw him into the steel ring post. Orton dropped Goldust on his back over the barricade and threw him inside the ring for a 2 count. Orton stomped on Goldust and covered him again for a near fall. Orton locked Goldust in the chin lock as the crowd got behind Goldust. Goldust reversed a powerslam into a bulldog, and started dishing it out to Orton. Goldust rolled Orton for a 2 count, but Orton came back with the DDT from the second rope. Orton went for the RKO but Goldust countered with the Cross Rhodes for a near fall! Orton came back with an RKO to pick up the victory after 14 minutes.

Winner: Randy Orton

Rating: ***

Analysis: That was a solid TV match that got about 15 minutes. Goldust proved that he could still go toe to toe with the current generation, and worked hard to put on a good match. I wouldn’t mind seeing Goldust coming back as a full – time performer, as he still ‘has it’.

Post match, Orton stood over Goldust and told him that he shattered his dream of getting his brother’s job back. He said he’ll shatter Bryan’s dream of winning the WWE championship at the Night of Champions PPV.

Backstage, Stephanie confronted Goldust, and said Cody and his fiancee must be disappointed with him. She said he let everybody down, and called him and his brother losers. She told him to tell her father hi from her side. That puts over the McMahons as bullies. If rumours are true, it will likely lead to a McMahons vs Rhodes feud down the line.

Rob Van Dam (With Ricardo) vs Ryback

Ryback’s attire was, for once, different from RVD’s. ADR came out before the match and called RVD a washed up loser and Ricardo worthless. RVD and Ryback started things off while the crowd started a “Goldberg” chant. Ryback tried to dominate RVD, but he came back with a boot and a rolling thunder for a one count. RVD came down with a huge flying boot to the face, and tried to go for the five star frog splash but Ryback rolled out of the ring. Ryback got disqualified when he put RVD groin first into the ring post, and delivered the shell shocked to end the segment after 4 minutes.

Winner by DQ: RVD

Winner: * 1/2

Analysis: By logic, that would mean Rob Van Dam will win the World Heavyweight championship at the Night of Champions PPV, but we’ll have to wait and see if that happens. Ryback’s DQ victory leaves both the men unhurt, and with rumours of Big E Langston turning face, he might get into a program with Ryback.

Backstage, Stephanie confronted the Big Show, and told him not to lay a finger on The Shield. She said if he did, his contract would be terminated.

Daniel Bryan (With The Big Show) vs Dean Ambrose (With Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns)

In the main event of the night, Dean Ambrose took on Daniel Bryan. Ambrose made his way out first with Seth and Roman, and Big Show came out next. Bryan made his way out last to a loud pop from the Toronto crowd. Bryan started things off by taking it to Ambrose but Ambrose rolled out of the ring. Bryan started working on Ambrose with huge kicks, but Ambrose came back with a shoulder block. Bryan made a come back and started working on Ambrose’s arm and locked him in the surf board. Ambrose made his way out, but Bryan came back with a huge running clothesline. Bryan was distracted by Seth Rollins and Ambrose knocked Bryan off the apron as RAW went to the last commercial of the night.

Back from the break and Ambrose took control of the bout. Show tried to cheer Bryan on and Bryan moved out of the way, as Ambrose ran shoulder first into the ring post. Bryan came back with huge running drop kicks. Bryan went for the hurricanrana for a 2 count! Bryan countered Ambrose for a near fall and locked in the Yes lock! Ambrose fought out of it and rolled Bryan up for a 2 count holding his tights. Ambrose tried to go for a superplex, but Bryan hung him up in a tree of woe and landed a dropkick. Bryan then hit a huge backdrop the top rope for a near fall! That was an awesome spot! The crowd started a “This is awesome” chant! Bryan was thrown out of the ring, and Bryan avoided Roman and Rollins, but Ambrose knocked him down from behind. Ambrose taunted Bryan, but Bryan rolled him up to get the pinfall victory after 15 minutes.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Rating: *** 1/2

Analysis: That was an outstanding main event as I expected. Bryan and Ambrose are excellent workers, and they put on a solid main event that received good amount of time. Bryan picked up the victory, which would mean that he will lose to Orton come Sunday.

Post match, Bryan took out Ambrose, and launched himself onto Orton who came down the aisle. The Shield ganged up on Bryan, and Show tried to interfere with a chair, but had to drop it and walked away. Orton dropped Bryan with an RKO in the ring as Show looked on helplessly. Orton stood tall over Bryan as Show made his way back, but was stopped by Triple H. Hunter then ordered Show to go back to the ring and knock Bryan out. Show refused to KO Bryan, but Orton got in Show’s face, and when Orton turned around, Bryan dropped Orton with a running knee to the face! RAW faded with the crowd chanting ‘Yes’ and Bryan standing on top of Orton with the WWE title!

Over – all rating of the show: *** 3/4 (Out of 5 stars)

Analysis: That was a fun episode, and just when I thought there won’t be any good matches, the third hour changed my perspective. Two solid TV matches and interesting angles made this a good ‘Go home’ episode of RAW. With Bryan getting back at Orton, there is a good chance that Orton will defeat Bryan come Sunday. Anyway, that was one of the better episodes of RAW, and now we get ready for Detroit as the Night of Champions is around the corner. That’s it from the live review, and join us this Sunday as we cover the Night of Champions PPV.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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