RAW Results: RK-Bro reunites; Top champion pinned

What a night on RAW!
What a night on RAW!

Randy Orton kicked off RAW and said he didn't owe anyone anything and that he would have won last week's match against AJ Styles, with or without Riddle's help. He promised to take down Omos tonight by himself when Riddle walked out.

Orton wasn't too happy to see him and Riddle said that Randy hit him with the RKO to teach him the proper way to use the move. The Original Bro said that he had learned his lesson and asked Orton if they could bring back RKO.

AJ Styles and Omos walked out before Orton could answer and taunted both of them, telling Randy to RKO himself. AJ said that Omos will take out the Viper tonight. Styles then challenged Riddle to a match right away and Riddle agreed.

Riddle vs. AJ Styles on RAW

Randy walked out as the match began and the distraction caused Riddle to be taken down to the mat for a near fall by Styles. Riddle managed to get the upper hand and hit AJ with a big slam before The Phenomenal One took over again.

Styles went outside where Riddle bounced his head off the apron and hit a running kick to the outside before getting a dive from the top rope. After a break on RAW, Riddle hit a German Suplex for a near fall before countering the Styles Clash.

AJ locked in the Calf Crusher and Riddle barely reached the bottom rope to break it. Riddle was setting up for the Floating Bro but Omos distracted him from ringside before AJ took him down and hit him with the Styles Clash for the win on RAW.

Result: AJ Styles def. Riddle

Grade: B

Riddle was backstage on RAW and said that he hadn't given up on RK-Bro for so long but Randy deserting him today made him very sad.

Nikki A.S.H vs. Rhea Ripley on RAW

Charlotte came out on RAW and joined the commentary team to watch the match from ringside. Ripley was tossing Nikki around the ring before the champ sent her outside and landed a crossbody and a dropkick.

Back after a break on RAW, Nikki hit a Tornado DDT and got a near fall. Nikki was trying to toss Ripley across the ring and Rhea turned it into a Northern Lights Suplex. Ripley hit a huge big boot and got the Riptide for the easy win.

Result: Rhea Ripley def. Nikki A.S.H

Nikki was devastated after her loss and decided to unload on Charlotte after the match at ringside. Nikki dragged Flair to the ring where Ripley joined in on the attack as well before Charlotte managed to flee the ring as RAW continued.

Grade: B

Drew McIntyre vs. Veer & Shanky on RAW

Veer was the first one in the ring and Drew was already knocking him about within a few seconds. Shanky was tagged in and fared better against the former WWE Champ, hitting a big boot off a distraction from Jinder.

Drew McIntyre vs. Veer & Shanky on RAW (contd...)

Veer was back in and Drew took him down with a clothesline before hitting a neck breaker on RAW. Shanky came back in and took a Michinoku Driver for his troubles. Veer took the Futureshock DDT before Drew hit the Claymore on Shanky for the win on RAW.

Result: Drew McIntyre def. Veer & Shanky

Veer went after Drew's sword after the match but McIntyre took him out, hitting him with a suplex. Drew got on the mic to mock Jinder and his goons and promised to humiliate him on Sunday at SummerSlam.

Grade: B

Charlotte was backstage and furious about Nikki's attack on her a few moments ago. Sonya Deville told her that the most she could do was offer her a tag team match against Nikki & Rhea before Flair stormed out.

Up next on RAW, it was the premiere of Moist TV hosted by John Morrison and his special guest was The Miz. John said he hadn't spoken to The Miz in a week and wanted to know how he managed to get up off his wheelchair and walk around last week.

The Miz danced his way to the ring on RAW and Morrison was not happy to see it. John asked if he was pretending to be handicapped for so long and The A-Lister tried to deny taking advantage of him.

Damian Priest walked out to call The Miz a liar and the former WWE Champion fired back at him. The Miz accidentally revealed he had been cleared to wrestle for weeks. Morrison was getting more and more annoyed and proposed a match between Priest and The Miz.

The A-Lister was awestruck and tried to back out before Damian pushed him into one of the kiddie pools in the ring.

Damian Priest vs. The Miz on RAW

Sheamus was out to watch the match at ringside and Miz ran right out of the ring after the bell to go say hi to him. Damian used the opportunity to drag him back into the ring.

The Miz pretended to be hurt before unloading on Priest, but hurt himself when he went for the It kicks. Morrison looked like he was about to hand The Miz a dipstick but walked out of the arena, distracting The A-Lister.

Priest took advantage by hitting a clothesline and the Brogue Kick for the win on RAW.

Result: Damian Priest def. The Miz

Grade: B

Sheamus got on the mic as the match ended on RAW and called Priest a "disrespectful s***bag" before saying that he would kick his face off at SummerSlam.

Backstage, Eva Marie wanted to solve their Alexa Bliss problem and told Doudrop to snatch Lilly away from her at her playground.

Elsewhere in the arena, Morrison said he felt betrayed by The Miz and wanted him to feel the same before they returned to being best friends.

Alexa Bliss was making fun of the Eva-lution at her Playground before Doudrop came in and tried to take Lilly away. Alexa warned her not to do it and Doudrop looked at the doll before her expression changed to terror and she handed Lilly back to Alexa before walking out.

Mansoor vs. Mace on RAW

Mace unloaded on Mansoor as the match began and hit a huge slam before locking in a submission move.

Mace tried to hit Mansoor with a sunset flip but Ali hit Mace with a kick from the outside while the referee was not watching. This allowed Mansoor to pin Mace and get an easy win on RAW.

Result: Mansoor def. Mace

Grade: C

Backstage on RAW, AJ called himself the 'moron-killer' for beating Riddle after Omos claimed he would become the new Legend Killer after beating Orton.

Randy Orton vs. Omos on RAW

A tense face-off on RAW
A tense face-off on RAW

Randy and Omos stared at each other as the match began before Randy went for the RKO right away but the giant blocked it. Omos was able to counter Randy's early offense and used the size difference to his advantage, hitting a huge slam.

Omos went to the corner as Orton sidestepped twice and tried for another RKO but Omos blocked it again, sending Orton outside. AJ kicked Orton while he was down, earning Omos a Disqualification.

Result: Randy Orton def. Omos via DQ

AJ took Randy back into the ring and told Omos to send him back out before sending him over the barricades. They set Orton up for another attack but Riddle ran out and kicked Omos off the apron after dodging AJ.

AJ was hurt and Omos wanted to get in the ring with Riddle but decided to carry Styles out instead.

Grade: B+

RK-Bro reunites on RAW

Riddle helped Orton up to his feet after the match ended on RAW and Orton got on the mic and said that after everything he did, Riddle still saved him, earning the Viper's respect. RK-Bro is officially back!

They shook hands and Riddle said this meant they could challenge AJ Styles and Omos to a Tag Team Title match at SummerSlam, which they did.

Jeff Hardy was in a backstage interview on RAW and Kross attacked him, taking him out.

Karrion Kross vs. Jeff Hardy on RAW

Jeff started off strong despite his injuries and hit a double leg drop and a dropkick early in the match.

Hardy looked to end things quick and tried for the Twist of Fate but got caught by Kross in a submission move.

Karrion locked in the Kross Jacket, making Jeff pass out and earning the victory very quickly.

Result: Karrion Kross def. Jeff Hardy

Grade: C

Eva Marie was annoyed with Doudrop for failing to get the doll from Alexa before she slapped her in the face twice and walked out.

We saw a video package on RAW featuring Reggie. Reginald was at the park where he learned his acrobatic skills when R-Truth and Akira Tozawa sneaked upon him to get the 24/7 title. Reggie flipped over them all and got in his car and drove off.

Rhea Ripley & Nikki A.S.H vs. Charlotte & Nia Jax on RAW

Nia and Nikki kicked off the match and Jax knocked the RAW Women's Champ around the ring before hitting her with a hip attack in the corner. Charlotte tagged in and hit a Big Boot before we headed for a break on RAW.

Back in the ring, Nikki hit a DDT and tagged in Ripley before she unloaded on Flair. Ripley hit a dropkick before Charlotte dodged her top rope move. Jax tagged in and hit a Samoan drop but Charlotte tagged herself in before Jax could land her finisher.

Jax was annoyed as Charlotte came in and wiped out Nikki from the apron before hitting the Natural Selection on Ripley for the win.

Result: Charlotte & Nia Jax def. Rhea Ripley & Nikki A.S.H

Grade: A

AJ Styles was backstage on RAW and said that by the time SummerSlam is here, Orton will be sick of Riddle once more.

Goldberg and Bobby Lashley come face-to-face on RAW

Goldberg was out next on RAW and talked about how Lashley and MVP went after his son last week. He spoke to his son Gage who was in the front row and said that it was time he witnessed the real Goldberg live, not the version of him from the videos of past matches.

MVP and Lashley walked out and MVP said that Goldberg was compensating because he knew he could not match up to the WWE Champ, Lashley.

The All Mighty vowed to end his career on Sunday and Goldberg told him that it was "bullsh*t".

Lashley swung at Goldberg but was taken down with a spear before the Hall of Famer walked out with his son.

Episode grade: B

We got another action-packed episode of RAW tonight as we head to SummerSlam this Saturday. Randy and Riddle reunited, only to challenge for the RAW tag team gold while Goldberg came out to send a message to Lashley on the show.

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