WWE RAW Results August 20th 2018, latest Monday Night Raw winners, video highlights 

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Roman Reigns came out to the ring to kick off Monday night RAW and declared that he will be a fighting champion and will face Finn Balor in a title match tonight. Finn came out as well and Baron Corbin was quick to follow him out and protest Balor's title shot.

Kurt Angle made his entrance and set up the title match as the main event between Balor and Reigns and also set up our first match of the night, Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley.


#1 Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley


Lashley was in control early on and Baron threw Lashley out with a quick tackle, dropping him on the apron. The two were outside and Corbin steamrolled Lashley, dropping him to the floor as we headed for a commercial break.

We returned to see Lashley in a submission move and struggling to get out before Corbin sent him shoulder first into the ringpost. Lashley sidestepped and Corbin charged into the post himself. Lashley hit a few clotheslines and a spinebuster for a near fall.

Corbin bounced Lashley's neck off the top rope and set him up on the corner and Lashley leaped into a chokeslam backbreaker for a near fall. Lashley delivered a brand new finisher and got the three count.

Result: Bobby Lashley def. Baron Corbin

Backstage, Paul Heyman told Angle that Brock wants his contractual rematch. Angle said he's obligated to grant the rematch but it will be a long time from now since he has a fighting champion as opposed to Brock who sits at home. Heyman said the match should be at Hell in a Cell and Angle says "Forget about it", before walking off.


#2 Sasha Banks, Bayley & Ember Moon vs. The Riott Squad


Ruby and Ember were trading moves in the ring when both teams entered the ring and it turned into a big mess as all six of them ended up outside. The babyfaces hit the Riott Squad with big high flying moves and we headed to a commercial break. Bayley was taken out by Ruby as we returned and Morgan was tagged in.

Bayley was in trouble as Logan hit a headbutt and Riott was tagged in. Sasha was the legal woman and hit the double knees to the midsection of Riott. After a little back and forth, Logan wiped out Moon and Sasha took the Riott kick and was pinned by Ruby who grabbed the victory.

Result: The Riott Squad def. Sasha Banks, Bayley & Ember Moon


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Triple H showed up to the ring after the match to promote the Super-Showdown event in Australia where he will face The Undertaker for the last time ever. Triple H said he will become The Game again and the crowd chanted "You still got it!". He turned face and Taker seems to be the heel in this program.


#3 Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler


Dean dropped Ziggler with a hip toss and a slam as McIntyre caused a distraction and made Ambrose go outside to face him. As Dean was returning to the ring, Dolph hit him with a dropkick and he fell on the apron and then outside as we headed into commercials.

Ziggler gained control for a moment but Dean hit him with a big drop and McIntyre interrupted him as Rollins fought Drew off and Ziggler came to McIntyre's aid. Rollins entered the ring and landed a suicide dive on Drew outside while Dean hit Dolph with a Dirty Deeds for the win.

Result: Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler


Elias vs Curt Hawkins

Elias came out next and he started playing his guitar and it didn't break this time. Curt Hawkins came and challenged him to a match to break his 218 match losing streak.

#4 Elias vs. Curt Hawkins


Elias hit a quick knee to the side of the head of Hawkins right off the bat. After a bit of back and forth, Elias hit the drift away for a quick victory as Curt Hawkins lost for the 219th consecutive time.

Result: Elias def. Curt Hawkins


#5 Authors of Pain vs. Titus Worldwide


AOP had the upper hand in the first part of the match but Crews hit them with a huge double splash and got back some momentum. Titus O'Neil went for a pin but Rezar broke the count. AOP hit the last chapter and grabbed the win after a hard fought match.

Result: Authors of Pain def. Titus Worldwide


Stephanie tries to hijack Ronda Rousey's coronation

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Stephanie McMahon was back to coronate Ronda Rousey. Stephanie McMahon said that Ronda Rousey wasn't Brock Lesnar and was putting Rousey down. She added that Ronda almost broke Alexa Bliss' arm before Rousey hit her with the arm. The RAW women celebrated with Ronda after Stephanie rolled out of the ring.


#6 Scott Dawson vs. Bo Dallas

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Dawson was in control early on and dropped Bo on the turnbuckles but Bo managed to roll him up. Dawson blocked a suplex and hit his finisher to grab the quick victory

Result: Scott Dawson vs. Bo Dallas

After the match, Curtis Axle challenged Dash Wilder in the immediately next match.


#7 Dash Wilder vs. Curtis Axel

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Wilder hit a backbreaker early on and Curtis replied with a double boot to the chest of Wilder. Dash hit finisher for another consecutive quick victory for the Revival.

Result: Dash Wilder def. Curtis Axel

Roman Reigns was confident that he'll defeat Finn Balor and retain his newly won title as Renee caught up with him backstage.

Stephanie was not happy with Kurt
Stephanie was not happy with Kurt

Stephanie had a cast on her arm and Corbin and Alexa was at her side in the locker room. Angle came in and Stephanie blamed Rousey's actions on him. Stephanie ordered Angle to step down as RAW GM temporarily and granted Constable Corbin the position of acting RAW GM.

#8 Roman Reigns (c) vs. Finn Balor - Universal Championship Match

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Balor took an elbow to the face after Reigns blocked a suplex. Balor went for a step up enzugiri and Reigns dropped Balor on the apron as we headed to a commercial break. Balor hit a basement dropkick and took down the champ.

Balor went for a knee to the head but Reigns dropped him face first on the apron. Finn hit a double stomp to the chest of Reigns for a near fall. Reigns took control for a second before Balor hit a dropkick and then a high flying move over the top rope.

Reigns hit a huge step up powerbomb for a near fall and set up for the spear. Balor hit a step-up enzugiri and a slingblade but Reigns got a pin in after a Superman punch but it was a near fall. Another Superman punch sent Balor down and Braun Strowman made his entrance. Reigns dodged a Coupe de Grace and hit the spear for the win.

Result: Roman Reigns def. Finn Balor and retained the Universal Championship.

Braun announced the cash-in and was about to fight Reigns when the Shield made their entrance. Before the bell was rung, Braun attacked Reigns while Ambrose and Dean came to his aide. They cleared the announce table and pulled off a triple powerbomb on Braun on the table.


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