Cedric Alexander vs. Cesaro
Cedric Alexander started strong, sending Cesaro flying right off the bat. He tried to take an unnecessary risk, only to get caught by a vicious uppercut. Cesaro hit a gut-wrench suplex. Alexander made the quick comeback and took Cesaro out. He splashed and hit Cesaro but failed to secure the pinfall.
Cesaro had Alexander in a half Boston crab. Alexander intently fought back and rolled through, nearly putting him away. Cesaro had Alexander in an ankle-lock and was sent out for a moment but incredible timing saw Alexander hit the lumbar check and get the win.
Result: Cedric Alexander def. Cesaro
Match rating: A
We saw a short clip of how the 24/7 title changed hands multiple times, only to come back to Elias in the end.
Roode and Ziggler cut a promo backstage about going to Clash of Champions and coming out as tag champs.