Damian Priest (c) vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus - United States Championship Match on RAW (contd...)
Priest took a Brogue Kick before Sheamus was laid out with the Futureshock DDT by McIntyre,. The Celtic Warrior managed to block the Claymore as RAW went on. Sheamus hit the White Noise on Drew before taking the Claymore anyway.
Priest hit the Reckoning on Drew to get the win while Sheamus was down at ringside.
Result: Damian Priest def. Drew McIntyre & Sheamus to retain the United States title
Grade: A
In a promo on RAW, Goldberg said that he didn't care about the WWE Title anymore but was coming after Lashley.
Akira Tozawa and R-Truth chased Reginald for the 24/7 Championship at a playground, and Reggie, as usual, flipped his way to safety.
Eva Marie vs. Doudrop on RAW
Doudrop took Eva down before the match started and hit a senton on Eva, taking her out. Doudrop followed up with a splash and pinned Eva, doing the three count herself since the match did not officially start.
After taking Eva down for the three count, Doudrop got on the mic and declared herself as the winner of the match and taunted Eva before walking out.
Result: DNF
Grade: C