Dean Ambrose has his own open challenge
Dean Ambrose came out to gloat about his victory against Rollins at TLC. He showed off the belt and demanded the fans' respect. He said that when he's done, Seth Rollins will have nothing left.
He called himself the 'Moral Compass' of the WWE and unless Seth Rollins came out to the ring to say Ambrose was right, he would act on his threats. Dean then issued an open challenge - to punch him in the face. Ambrose then issued a real open challenge (which could be answered by anyone but Rollins) and Tyler Breeze answered.
Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Tyler Breeze - Intercontinental Championship match
Breeze went on the offensive and hit a dropkick, but Ambrose chucked him out of the ring as we headed to commercial break. We returned to see Ambrose was in control and had Breeze in a rest hold. Breeze hit a step up Enzugiri and then a crossbody lateral press, but Dean Ambrose still kicked out. Ambrose finally hit the Dirty Deeds for the win.
Result: Dean Ambrose def. Tyler Breeze and retained the Intercontinental Championship
Ambrose was boasting after the win and Rollins' music hit. Turns out one of the guys in gas masks that came in with Ambrose was Seth Rollins as he took off his mask and attacked Ambrose. Dean quickly fled the ring as his Rollins destroyed his goons.
Lars Sullivan, Lacey Evans, Heavy Machinery, EC3 and Nikki Cross were announced as the six next NXT call-ups onto the main roster.