RAW Results: Bizarre ending to Bliss-Orton segment; New No.1 Contender confirmed

A bizarre night on RAW
A bizarre night on RAW

Drew McIntyre kicked off RAW and reminded us that it was the last episode of the red brand this year. He thanked the fans for sticking by him throughout the year before getting to the topic of his WWE title match next week on RAW Legends Night. Sheamus walked out and they started talking about how good 2021 is going to be before Keith Lee interrupted.

Lee said that he couldn't trust either of them anymore before Sheamus said that he hated Lee because he talked too much. Drew broke up the argument by saying that they should start the match before Sheamus hit a brogue kick on Lee who was clearly unprepared.

Sheamus vs. Keith Lee - No. 1 Contender's match for the WWE Championship on RAW

After a break, the match was underway and Sheamus had the upper hand. Lee managed to hit a belly to belly suplex to the outside before The Celtic Warrior got back in and knocked Lee off the apron with a knee strike. Sheamus followed up with a top rope move, sending The Limitless One into the announce desk.

Sheamus was back in control when we returned from commercials but Lee managed to use his power to slow the former WWE Champion down. Sheamus managed to hit the white noise but still failed to pin Lee. Lee recovered and hit the Spirit Bomb to finish him off and pick up the win.

Result: Keith Lee def. Sheamus and will face Drew McIntyre next week for the WWE Championship

Match rating: B

Elias was seen backstage on RAW and Jaxson Ryker was with him.

The Miz vs. Gran Metalik on RAW

Metalik was going for an early pin over and over and Miz looked like he was furious. Miz took a 'rana and was sent off the apron with a kick before Metalik hit a moonsault to the outside.

The Miz vs. Gran Metalik on RAW (contd...)

Back in the ring on RAW, Miz hit a big boot and used the ropes to some damage before hitting a knee to the head. Miz started yelling about his Money in the Bank contract before Metalik managed to hit a huge dropkick and then a pin attempt, beating the former WWE champion on RAW.

Result: Gran Metalik def. The Miz

Match rating: C

Backstage on RAW, Omos and AJ Styles crashed Elias' practice session and AJ talked his way into a match with him.

Dana Brooke vs. Shayna Baszler on RAW

Brooke managed to take down Baszler early before the Queen Of Spades stomped on her elbow and slammed it on the apron. Brooke came back with some big kicks and hit a slam before Shayna locked in the Khirifuda clutch on the apron.

Mandy Rose was cheering Brooke on at ringside and Baszler attacked her, setting up for the elbow stomp on the steel steps. Brooke took out Baszler before she could land the stomp before taking it back to the ring.

Dana Brooke vs. Shayna Baszler on RAW (contd...)

After a bit of back and forth on RAW, Baszler locked in the Khirifuda clutch in the center of the ring to pick up the win. After the match, she returned to take Rose out with the same hold.

Result: Shayna Baszler def. Dana Brooke

Match rating: B+

Back on RAW, we were in Alexa's Playground and Bliss teased that the Fiend might return next week to meet Hulk Hogan. Randy Orton's music hit after Alexa called him but no one came out. It happened one more time before Alexa hinted at having lit Randy on fire at some point.

We were suddenly back to the Firefly Funhouse and Randy walked in the door. He started destroying the set to remind Alexa that the Fiend was not coming back. Randy wanted to make sure that The Fiend had nothing else to come back to before ripping the stuffed animals apart.

Alexa was fuming and in an unexpected turn of events, challenged Randy to a match to which The Viper agreed.

AJ Styles vs. Elias on RAW

AJ managed to take Elias to the mat early on during the match on RAW but Elias came back shortly after with a huge back-body drop. AJ managed to get a near fall before hitting a big dropkick but Elias picked him up from the apron and dropped him on it. Elias sent AJ into the ring post before we headed for a break.

Back on RAW, Elias hit a knee to the jaw of AJ before Ryker tried to interfere but Omos got in his way. Elias hit the Driftaway but Styles kicked out of it. Styles came back in with a Pele kick and finished Elias off with a Phenomenal Forearm.

Result: AJ Styles def. Elias

Match rating: B

Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali on RAW

Ricochet started off strong and got some big moves in including a 'rana, a back-body drop, and a dropkick. Ali managed to trip him up and send him into the turnbuckles before hitting a neckbreaker.

Ricochet caught Ali on the top rope but RETRIBUTION took him down and allowed Ali to hit a splash to the outside.

Ricochet vs. Mustafa Ali on RAW (contd...)

Back on RAW after a break, Ali hit a backstabber and got a near fall. Ricochet managed to hit a kick and a German suplex to take Ali down. Ricochet was cornered by the rest of RETRIBUTION and he managed to take all of them down and get back to the match!

Ali got his knees up when Ricochet landed the Shooting Star before locking in the Koji Clutch for the win.

Result: Mustafa Ali beat Ricochet

After the match, Ali asked Ricochet to join RETRIBUTION but he said no and hit the recoil on him before retreating.

Match rating: A

Backstage on RAW, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler said they would be entering the Women's Royal Rumble match, meaning they will probably have to face each other.

Drew McIntyre was backstage and said that he was happy for Keith Lee but also added that Lee won't be able to beat him.

Charlotte vs. Nia Jax on RAW

Nia had the advantage early on as she managed to take Flair into the corner before taking her down with a big slam. Flair managed to hit a big boot and a dropkick, sending Jax outside.

Charlotte vs. Nia Jax on RAW (contd...)

Jax was sent outside before Flair hit a baseball slide and sent her into the announce desk on RAW. Asuka and Baszler started a brawl outside while Jax took advantage of the distraction by getting a near fall.

After a break, Jax was back in control but Charlotte managed to grab her by the hair and drop her on her back. Jax hit a sit-up powerbomb but missed the leg drop.

Baszler interfered and took Asuka down at ringside before Flair missed a few finishers but locked in the Figure-Eight leglock on Jax.

Baszler came in with a Khirifuda Clutch and made Flair break her hold but also earned Jax a loss via DQ.

Result: Charlotte def. Nia Jax via DQ

Match rating: B+

Angel Garza was backstage on RAW and said that he was hopeful for 2021 before R-Truth and the title-chasers rushed through and destroyed his rose.

Backstage, Riddle, Hardy, and the New Day couldn't come up with a cool team name before their big 8-Man tag match.

The New Day, Riddle & Jeff Hardy vs. The Hurt Business on RAW

Lashley just announced his entry in the Royal Rumble!
Lashley just announced his entry in the Royal Rumble!

Riddle and Alexander started off the match on RAW before Lashley was tagged in and took Riddle to the corner. The Hurt Business traded tags while keeping Riddle in their corner before Riddle managed to tag Hardy in.

Lashley hit a flatliner after the commercials and got a near fall before he caught Riddle in a single leg crab. Cedric came in and got a headlock before taking a kick to the face. Riddle made the tag to Kofi who took Alexander down with the Boom Drop.

MVP interfered before Woods got a tag and took down MVP, hitting a clothesline on Cedric and then tagging in Hardy for the Swanton Bomb. Lashley came back in and locked in the Hurt Lock on Hardy for the win on RAW.

Result: The Hurt Business def. The New Day, Riddle & Jeff Hardy

The Hurt Business attacked their opponents after the match but Riddle came in with a Final Flash and helped his friends run away.

Match rating: A

Backstage on RAW, Adam Pearce handed the Money in the Bank contract back to The Miz and they started dancing on the staircase.

Alexa Bliss was out next to explain the challenge to Randy Orton and motioned for the Viper to come out, which he did. Randy came and asked where 'he' was and Alexa said it was not about the Fiend but about her on RAW.

She walked out of the ring and got a big gift-wrapped box before unwrapping it in the ring to reveal a gasoline can and matches. He gave the things to Randy and told The Viper to do to her what he did to the Fiend.

Randy hesitated and Alexa decided to pour the gasoline on herself and made a circle around herself on the ring. Randy was still quiet and Alexa called her out on last week's promo about being sick and twisted.

Alexa called him a 'little b*tch' before Randy said that he wanted to do it but because Alexa wants him to do it, he was confused. The lights went out slowly and Randy lit a match, slowly dropping it before RAW went off the air.

Episode rating: A

We got an incredible last episode of RAW for the year, heading into Legends Night next week. Keith Lee secured himself a title match while Jax and Baszler announced their rumble entries as well as Bobby Lashley. Alexa and Orton had a strange promo that was rather unexpected.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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