WWE RAW Results December 7th, 2020: Latest Monday Night RAW Winners, Grades, Video Highlights

A wild night on RAW
A wild night on RAW

Randy Orton kicked off RAW and said that unlike The Fiend, he did not need a mask to stare evil in the eye. He said that he would show up at the Firefly Fun House tonight to see if he would be let into his secret lair or not.

Bray Wyatt showed up on the Titantron and started a mock game show where the Funhouse characters voted on how Bray/The Fiend would punish Orton at TLC. The mood suddenly changed back to tense as we got a glimpse of The Fiend and Orton quickly challenged Bray Wyatt to a match tonight to which Bray agreed.

Asuka vs. Shayna Baszler on RAW

Before the match. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler were plotting to disfigure Lana for defying them. The match quickly ended up on the mat as Shayna tried to go for an early submission hold and Asuka turned it into a kneebar.

Outside the ring, Shayna sent Asuka into the announce desk before we headed for a break. Back on RAW, Asuka fought out of another hold in the ring and took some kicks before hitting a German Suplex.

Asuka's hit attack was met with Shayna's knees before Nia took out Lana outside the ring. Asuka was distracted and Lana managed to send Nia into the steel steps and then the announce desk before Shayna came after her. Asuka rolled her up from behind and picked up the win off the diversion.

Result: Asuka def. Shayna Baszler

Match rating: B

Back on RAW, the Hurt Business was seen bullying a member of the backstage crew.

Ricochet and Dana Brooke were backstage on RAW and Riddle asked them if they wanted a Bro-nut before their match with Slapjack and Reckoning. Brooke said she owed Reckoning a black eye for last week.

Slapjack & Reckoning vs. Ricochet & Dana Brooke on RAW

Brooke and Reckoning started off the match and Reckoning had the advantage early on before Ricochet came in off a tag with a dive to the outside. Brooke Was back in and got the pinfall off the Sit-Out Slam, ending the match quickly on RAW.

Result: Ricochet & Dana Brooke def. Slapjack & Reckoning

Ali was furious and yelled at his minions before walking out.

Match rating: C

Sheamus was backstage on RAW with Keith Lee and Lee was still suspicious that Sheamus would betray McIntyre eventually.

Miz & Morrison were out for Miz TV and AJ Styles was the guest for tonight. About the upcoming TLC match, Styles said that he would wrap McIntyre in a steel chair and put him through every table in the arena before retrieving the WWE title.

Miz & Morrison started making fun of Sheamus and Drew with funny accents before the 'Fella made his entrance. The duo made fun of Sheamus for coming out alone against them and AJ but then Drew McIntyre joined him and they headed to the ring.

Drew took some shots at AJ and his bodyguard before making fun of the Miz's show. AJ announced that tonight's match would be a 4 on 2, including his bodyguard before the inevitable brawl broke out. AJ and friends retreated before Drew threw Miz's MITB contract all the way across the Arena.

Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin on RAW

Kofi took some big hits as the match began and Benjamin got an early near fall, Kofi was hit with a Gutwrench Powerbomb and then the Ankle Lock before being sent outside.

Kofi got some control back after dodging a charge on the outside, letting Shelton wipe himself out. Benjamin rushed back to the ring and walked right into a Trouble in Paradise before Kofi got the pin.

Result: Kofi Kingston def. Shelton Benjamin

Match rating: C

Kofi Kingston vs Cedric Alexander on RAW

After the last match, Cedric challenged Kofi to another match right away and Kofi agreed. Cedric went for hit injured left leg and locked in a submission in the ring before Kofi rolled him up.

Kofi Kingston vs Cedric Alexander on RAW (contd...)

Kofi went for the SOS but his injury got in the way. Kofi took a brainbuster and managed to kick out before Kofi went for a dive but missed it. Alexander hit the Lumbar Check and picked up the sudden win on RAW.

Result: Cedric Alexander def. Kofi Kingston

Match rating: B

Drew McIntyre & Sheamus vs. AJ Styles, The Miz & John Morrison on RAW

McIntyre and Morrison started us off and Drew knocked him off his feet with a single punch. AJ did not want to tag in so early as Sheamus and Drew punished Morrison in the ring.

Sheamus kicked AJ off the apron before Morrison managed to send Sheamus outside and the Miz ducked and let Sheamus almost hit Drew by accident. They shrugged it off before dumping Morrison outside after he tried to take them out.

Back on RAW after a break, Miz was being attacked by the Gaelic duo before Drew was taken to the corner where AJ and Morrison hot-tagged in and out to break him down.

Drew McIntyre & Sheamus vs. AJ Styles, The Miz & John Morrison on RAW (contd...)

Sheamus hit the chops on the Miz before tossing Morrison in the ring as well. Miz kicked him in the head and Morrison took a cheap shot from the apron before tagging in for a double team move on RAW.

AJ went for the finisher but Sheamus turned it into the White Noise. Styles was caught with the Irish Curse Backbreaker before accidentally hitting the Brogue kick on Drew. AJ came in with the Phenomenal Forearm and pinned Sheamus, ending the match.

Result: AJ Styles, The Miz & John Morrison def. Drew McIntyre & Sheamus

Match rating: A

Asuka was backstage on RAW with Lana who was panicking about her match with Nia Jax next week. Asuka taught her how to believe in herself but then Nia appeared behind her, causing her to retreat in fear.

Sheamus was backstage after his match and was waiting for Drew to come to kick his a**. The two friends got in each other's faces as we headed for commercials.

We returned to RAW to see Sheamus and Drew brawling it out backstage. Pat Buck was trying to separate them and ended up being attacked by the duo before being put through the dining table.

Riddle tried to give Jeff Hardy some bro-nuts before his match but he was in a hurry.

Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley on RAW

Looks like MVP wanted some bro-nuts
Looks like MVP wanted some bro-nuts

Lashley was dominating the match as was expected and MVP was barking orders at him from ringside. Riddle came out and took out MVP who was on the apron before he could run a distraction.

After a break, Lashley sent Hardy into the barricades before locking in the sleeper hold in the ring. Hardy fought out of it and set up for the Atomic Drop-dropkick combo.

Hardy hit the Whisper in the Wind but it ended with a near fall. Hardy kicked out of a flatliner before hitting the Twist of Fate but Lashley got the spear in. Hardy was caught in the Hurt Lock before tapping out.

Result: Jeff Hardy def. Bobby Lashley

Match rating: B

Randy Orton was backstage on RAW when Ramblin Rabbit showed up said he couldn't wait to see him in the ring with Wyatt.

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt on RAW

Wyatt was awfully cheerful as the match began and Randy looked to be overpowered right away. Orton's strikes landed hard and Bray was outside when Randy tried to drop him on the announce desk. Wyatt turned it around and dropped Randy on the desk instead before taking a commentator's headset and announcing the commercial break.

Back on RAW, Wyatt was in control but Randy countered Sister Abigail. Randy stomped on Bray before Wyatt retreated and Orton used the opportunity to drop him onto the announce desk.

Randy dodged another Sister Abigail before hitting the draping DDT. The lights started going out but Orton still managed to hit the RKO and get a cover. When the red lights came on, Wyatt was gone and The Fiend was with Orton who hit the Mandible Claw and finished him off.

Result: DNF

Match rating: A

Episode rating: B

RAW started slow but picked up pace in the last hour. We got a PPV worthy main event and a great handicap match that ended with two best friends turning on each other. RETRIBUTION took another loss and Cedric picked up an unfair victory over an injured Kingston.

Meet Randy Orton's lovely wife HERE

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