Ricochet vs. Karl Anderson (contd...)
Anderson dodged a 630 and hit the Spinebuster for a near-fall. Ricochet was able to get out and came back in with a new finsiher which looked like a modified version of the GTS for the win.
Result: Ricochet def. Karl Anderson
Match rating: B
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Backstage, Liv Morgan was confident about eliminating Ruby Riott from the Elimination Chamber.
The Viking Raiders & Kevin Owens vs. AOP & Murphy
The babyfaces dominated early on and Murphy was trapped in team Owen's corner for a while as the three wailed on him. Akam finally tagged in and the AOP took control of the match but KO tagged in and took out Murphy who was the legal man.
Owens hit a senton and got a near fall on Rezar. Owens went for the stunner on Murphy before Rollins rushed the ring and ended the match in a DQ.
Result: The Viking Raiders & Kevin Owens vs. AOP & Murphy via DQ
Rollins and his crew mercilessly attacked KO before the Street Profits came out to save him. Rollins fled as the Profits and Owens wiped out the disciples.
Match rating: A
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Episode rating: B
The episode had some good promos and in-ring segments but most of the matches were far from satisfactory.