Randy Orton vs. Triple H on RAW
Triple H got a punch in right away on RAW and Orton left but then returned to the ring to unload on the Game. Randy hit some uppercuts and sent Hunter outside where Orton was sent into the steel steps by HHH.
Triple H sent Orton into the barricades and Randy's left cheek was busted open. Hunter sent Randy into the announce table and got a sledgehammer from under the apron.
HHH walked up to the ring with his very familiar weapon and the lights started going out one by one. Randy slowly got to his feet and the hammer was suddenly on fire as the ring went dark.
The ring lights turned pink and Alexa Bliss was suddenly behind Randy while the Game was nowhere to be seen. Alexa shot flames out of her hands and blinded Randy - as crazy as that sounds - and the show ended with that.
Result: DNF
Match rating: A
Episode rating: A
Another great episode of RAW, weeks away from Royal Rumble - we got the in-ring return of Triple H and some bad news from Drew McIntyre. The WWE Champ, however, will hopefully return in 3 weeks at Royal Rumble to face Goldberg.