Andrade (c) vs. Humberto Carrillo - US Title match

Humberto took control of the match from the start and sent Andrade outside early on. Andrade hit a big knee but the challenger git a huge dive over the ropes and took him out. Back in the ring, Andrade hit a powerbomb and Carrillo hit a crossbody off the ropes and almost got the pin.
Andrade lined Carrillo up for the DDT but Carrillo reversed and hit the Springboard kick, followed by the Moonsault. Zelina Vega breaks up the cover and Humberto won the match by DQ but Andrade retained.
Result: Humberto Carrillo def. Andrade via DQ
Humberto flipped out after the turn of events and destroyed Andrade before hitting the Hammerlock DDT on Andrade on the concrete after ripping off the padding.
Match rating: A
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Charlotte was out next and was about to announce who she would challenge before Asuka and Kairi came out. Asuka said some things in Japanese before Charlotte asked her why she was there.
Asuka said that had she been in the match last night, she would have won before they attacked Charlotte and hit her with the Double Suplex. So much for the announcement!