MVP and Lashley were backstage during RAW and refused to talk about last night's loss at Backlash.
MVP and Lashley were out and MVP went on about how last night's loss was entirely Lana's fault and that McIntyre should give him a rematch. Lana came out and immediately got in a shouting match with MVP.
Lana said that MVP was the real problem before Lashley defended MVP and Lana said that if Lana wanted to use someone to get famous, she would have dated someone like Drew McIntyre. Lashley said that he wanted a divorce and left.
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We got a recap of last night's brawl involving The 'Viking Profits' and Tozawa's ninja crew. The factions met once again backstage on RAW and Tozawa proposed a sequel to last night's shenanigans.
The Street Profits & Viking Raiders vs. Akira Tozawa & The Ninjas on RAW

The Vikings and Profits took down the first two ninjas who the commentators dubbed Ninja #1 and Ninja #2. The four of them hit their combined finishers on the two ninjas and picked up the easy win.
Result: The Street Profits & Viking Raiders def. The Ninjas
After the match, the biggest ninja and Tozawa stepped in the ring before The Big Show showed up on RAW! Show chokeslammed a ninja and wiped out the rest of them before Tozawa retreated with his ninja crew.
Match rating: B