Roman Reigns was out next and wanted to "whoop somebody's a**"... for entertainment. Shane McMahon appeared on the Titantron and said that Drew will beat Roman on Sunday. Drew said he'll disfigure Roman on Sunday when The Big Dog headed to the VIP area and wiped out the Revival and then Shane and Drew, putting the latter through the dining table.
Shane ran to the ring and Roman chased after him, hitting the Superman punch in the ring. Roman hit the spear and Shane was down and out. Roman then told Shane to crawl to the back and tell Drew what was to come on Sunday.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Segment rating: A
The IIconics vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross - Women's Tag Team match
Bayley showed up before the match to watch up close while Alexa started things off with Kay. Bliss was being doubleteamed before Cross came in with a top rope move.